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“How am I supposed to do that when she won’t let me in to talk to her?”

“Time, Noah. Just give her a little time. She’s feeling betrayed that her son could do something like that and once she’s come to terms with that, you can tell her everything and show her how you’re making amends for all the shit you’ve done.”

Spencer looks back over his shoulder, taking us all in as we follow behind him. “Do I even want to know what you guys are talking about?”

“Trust me,” Tully chuckles, hurrying to catch up to him. “You want to stay far away from this shit.”

“You ok?” I ask him as we make our way back inside the school, only this time coming from the opposite direction.

“Yeah, just sucks,” he tells me. “It’s bad enough when mom is pissed that I stayed out too late without calling or when I come home with a new tattoo, but this is so much worse than that.”

“She’ll come around,” I promise him, feeling as though those few words have become my motto ever since this whole thing started.

“Let’s hope so,” he tells me moments before he and Spencer break off to the left to search the boys’ bathroom while Tully and I go to the right for the girls’.

We come out moments later and meet the boys exactly where we left them before continuing up the hall. Noah breaks off again to whip open the door of the disabled bathroom before howling laughter takes over him.

We all stop to work out what the hell is going on when I creep up to the bathroom door and peek in.

I find Aiden sitting on the floor, butt naked with one hand covering his junk and the other handcuffed to the metal railing by the toilet. “About fucking time you bitches showed up,” Aiden yells while huffing and puffing at the way all four of us burst out into laughter.

Tully and I hurry in to save his stupid ass before I turn back to the boys. “Would you two quit laughing and go get this fucker some clothes?”

The boys take off and Aiden relaxes just a little. “Would you quit staring and work out how the hell to get me out of this mess?”

I try to hold in my chuckles as I bend down beside him, studying the handcuffs. “How did you get in this mess?” I question as Tully pulls a pin from her hair and starts jamming it into the little lock and giving it a good wiggle, though something tells me she has no idea what the hell she’s doing.

“Fucking Stacey Lasno,” Aiden grunts, referring to one of the girls on the cheerleading team as he shakes his head in disgust. “She must think she has a magic pussy or something. She dragged me in here thinking she could ‘make me straight’ and see the error of my ways by rubbing that used up pussy of hers all over me. She handcuffed me, wanting to be sexy and mysterious then tore my shirt right off as though it’s been way too long since she’s been fucked last.”

“Trust me, that whore is no stranger to a good fuck,” Tully grumbles.

“Well, she was today,” Aiden says. “She pulled my pants off while I couldn’t do shit about it and when I wasn’t hard for her, she got personally offended, took all my fucking clothes, and then the bitch left me here.”

“I could fucking kill her,” I seethe.

“This ain’t budging,” Tully cuts in, pulling on the handcuffs. “We might have to wait for the boys to get back and see if they can break the railing off the wall, then you could slide it right off.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t help me get this fucking thing off my wrist.”

“It’s cool, I’m sure between the boys, one of them will be able to get it off. If not, I’ll watch a few YouTube videos. I’m sure there’s something on there about how to break out of this shit.”

Aiden rolls his eyes, clearly very frustrated with his situation when the door whips open. I turn around, expecting to see the boys but when Mrs. Carson, the drama teacher, shows her face, my world comes crashing down.

She looks between me and Tully before glancing down at Aiden with horrified eyes. She instantly points between me and Tully as she goes red in the face. “That’s it. I’ve had it with you two girls thinking you can do whatever the hell you want around this school. How dare you treat a new student like this.”

“Wait, no. We didn’t.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” she spits. “You two have gotten away with too much lately and it’s about time you learn a lesson. Seeing as though detentions don’t seem to work for you delinquents, you’ll both participate as extras in the school musical tonight.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance