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“Henley,” Miss Jamison warns. “Do I need to separate you two?”

I give her a tight smile. “No, we’re good.”

I turn back to my work and try to focus, but just like every time I attempt a little history, if even the smallest thing is on my mind, I have trouble concentrating.

My mind can’t stop wondering about Aiden. I hope he wasn’t upset with what I did. It was just a little prank; one that he would have done to me if I hadn’t thought of it first. I doubt he’d be cut up about it, in fact, he’s probably plotting his revenge already.

I just hope nothing has happened to him. I promise myself that the second we get out of this damn detention, we’ll go searching and I have a feeling Tully is promising herself the same very thing.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and for a short second, I wonder if it’s Aiden checking in. I pull it out and find a text from Noah.

Noah – I’m assuming your ass is in detention?

Henley – Yep.

Noah – And Tully?

Henley – You know I can’t do anything without her following along!

The second I hit send, a chuckle comes tearing out of me causing Tully to rip my phone out of my hand and read over my texts. She instantly starts hashing something into my phone, not allowing me to see the screen until it’s too late.

Henley – Did I mention that I’m in love with Tully? I always thought she was the cooler twin. Hotter, smarter, clearly a shitload more awesome. In fact, I don’t even think you make the awesome scale, not even at the very bottom.

I shake my head as I read over the text and not a moment later, Tully’s phone vibrates against the table. We both look down at it with a grin.

Noah – Stay the fuck off Henley’s phone! And for the record, I’m not on the awesome scale because I tore through the top of that thing before I could even walk. Do you enjoy it down there? Living in my shadow?

Damn. That boy!

Tully narrows her eyes into slits and I give up as she starts responding. I don’t want to know. Maybe I was lucky to have a sibling who’s so much younger than me. I couldn’t stand having to deal with a brother always teasing and taunting me, though it’s not like Tully doesn’t dish it out herself.

I let the twins go and start hashing out a text to Aiden.

Henley – Where’s your big ass at? You better not be screwing some Ken doll in the darkroom! That’s mine and Noah’s place. You can have the supply closet in the back of the library!

I get no response and I impatiently wait for the end of detention, more desperate than ever to go searching the guy out. I mean, he’s the only gay guy in a town where it’s not so easily accepted. He can hold his own in a fight but if he was cornered by those dickheads on the football team without any backup…I don’t even want to begin to think about what could have happened to him.

Detention seems to drag on. I was more than happy to sit here earlier and focus on my homework, but not anymore. Why the hell did Tully have to come and make my head spin with endless possibilities? If anything, he’s probably at home, fast asleep, forgetting that he’s supposed to be somewhere.

When detention lets out, Tully and I practically barge our way through the door and I don’t doubt that either of us got any work done. “Should we check the locker rooms?” Tully questions.

“Yeah,” I say, “but I think we should check the cafeteria first. I mean, what if this is all in our heads and he’s eating lunch like every other day?”

“If that were the case, he would have replied to our texts.”

“Not if he’s perving on my boyfriend,” I grin. “He’d be too busy wiping the drool off his face.”

“Ugh, you know, I really don’t know what you guys see in that D-bag. He’s just a regular boy.”

I loop my arm through hers as I drag her towards the cafeteria, not bothering to stop by our lockers to ditch our things. After all, by the time we reach our lockers, find Aiden, and eat something, it’ll be time to head back to class. “See, that’s where you’re wrong. He’s so much more than a regular boy and you know it. You’re just too grossed out to admit that your brother is damn fine…and now with that piercing and the fact that’s he’s volunteering for the fire department… Mmmm, yeah. Damn fine.”

“Excuse me while I go and vomit.”

I laugh as we push our way through the double doors of the cafeteria and instantly start searching. Noah sits at our regular table with Jared Frazer and a few of the other guys who I haven’t bothered to get to know. As if sensing me here, his warm eyes turn my way with a pleased smile before it instantly drops away and his brows draw down.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance