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Noah steps into her. “How can you say that?” he demands. “If you weren’t so fucking sheltered and knew who he was, you would have done the same damn thing. I thought he’d paid her bills and gave her an extra twelve months. How was I supposed to know that he played me? I was a fucking kid.”

“Can we please just calm down?” I demand, getting between the two. “Noah thought he was doing the right thing. He had no way to know that Anton was going to play him like that and hold it against him for seven fucking years, but screaming about it isn’t going to help anything. Right now, we need to work out how the fuck we’re going to make this right.”

Tully shakes her head and takes a step back. “Nah. You’re on your own with this one. You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out.”

With that, she turns her back and walks away, grabbing her keys off the porch table before pulling herself up into her Jeep and tearing out of the drive like a bat out of hell.

“Fuck,” Noah yells, slamming his fists down on the roof of the Camaro once again.

“Hey. Stop,” I demand, grabbing him and crushing my face into his chest. His arms instantly curl around me and I do my best to try to relieve some of his pain. This isn’t going to be an easy one to move on from but all I know is that it’s going to be a rocky ride.

My phone rings in my pocket and I let it go as Noah begins to finally relax, but when the phone starts up immediately after, I let out a groan and pull it from my back pocket. It’s a private number and I answer it with a little too much attitude. “What?” I snap.

“Hi, this is Melissa from the Broken Hill District Hospital. Is this Henley Bronx?”

My brows pull down and I look up at Noah with worry. “Yeah, this is me.”

“Henley, we have your father, Harrison Bronx here. He has you listed as his emergency contact. He’s suffered a heart attack this afternoon and is currently in our care. Can you please make your way down to the hospital?”

Chapter 18

My heart races as I bolt towards my car. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy… no. This has to be wrong. A heart attack? My feet take me faster. All I see is my car. I need to be inside it already. Why is this taking so long?

“Henley?” Noah calls, still standing by his car. I barely hear him. My mind is swirling. Did that lady just say my dad had a heart attack? Could I have heard her wrong?

I push myself faster towards my car and don’t dare waste a second tearing the door open. I drop down into it and within moments, my Supra is purring to life beneath me and right now, I couldn’t even give a shit how great it sounds.

“Henley?” Noah yells again, this time more urgent. I don’t waste time looking over at him but my senses are telling me that he’s right beside my car wondering what the fuck is going on.

I hit the gas and take off like someone lit a fire under my ass. I turn the wheel and my tires screech across the road with a loud, ear shattering squeal as I flip my car around to head back up the road. Before I know it, I’m over the hill and Noah’s place is long out of sight.

A white car shows up in my rearview mirror and I glance up and take in the familiar white Camaro speeding to catch up with me. Even though I’m going a shitload faster than I was on Maxen’s track the other day, it doesn’t take long for Noah to catch up and sit right on my ass.

I risk glancing up and realize he isn’t trying to get me to pull over and my phone is silent. He’s letting me take the lead and trusting that whatever I’m doing right now is necessary.

His Camaro follows me closely around each bend as I swerve dangerously through the traffic. All I can think about is my Dad which has me pushing my Supra to its absolute limits. I need to get to that hospital and find out what the hell is going on.

Please God, let it be nothing.

I see Broken Hill District Hospital approaching and the slightest bit of relief surges through me. I made it and have minimized the biggest obstacle standing between me and Dad, now all I have to do is figure out where the hell he is.

I pull up in the emergency bay, not giving a shit that it’s a ‘No Parking Zone’ and race out of the car. “Henley,” Noah’s voice roars behind me. I look back over my shoulder to find him trying to grab hold of me. I attempt to dart forward so he can’t hold me back, but he’s too damn fast. “What the fuck is going on?” he demands, searching my face which is when I realize it’s covered in tears. “Why are we here?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance