I couldn’t bear the pain had it been Noah who had done what he did.

A throat clears and my head snaps up from my lunch to take in Alyssa, the girl Rivers has been dating for the past few weeks. My eyes instantly rake over her, not liking her or what she stands for one bit. She’s the girl who brought on all sorts of unnecessary pain to my best friend and for that, I simply can’t see a world where I accept her. “Can I help you?” I question with distaste as Noah turns to take her in.

Alyssa’s eyes flick between us and it’s clear that she’s terrified to be standing before us. She wasn’t at first, but that was solely because she was new here. She didn’t understand who we were and what our status was in Haven Falls, but now, she’s had more than enough time to work out how things go around here.

We’re the fucking King and Queen of Haven Falls and these fuckers bow to us.

When we first found out that Rivers had sent the video, Noah cornered Alyssa with one hell of an interrogation, hoping that she knew something or had the slightest inkling where he might have been. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Noah more terrifying than at that moment. His emotions were riding high and the betrayal was fresh and weighing on him heavily. No wonder she looks as though she’s about to shit her pants.

We quickly worked out that Alyssa didn’t know anything and we left her alone, but I fear that Noah lost a piece of his soul that day.

I have to admit, she must have a massive set of balls to be standing here before us now, though it’s clear that she walked the long way around so she’d be closer to me than to Noah. Smart move.

“I, uh…” she starts, nervously, flicking her eyes towards Noah with caution once more before focusing her full attention on me. “You told me to come and tell you if Rivers contacted me again.”

My brow cocks with interest. “Well?” I prompt.

“He texted,” she says. “It’s not much, but it’s something.”

“What did he say?” I rush out. “Do you know where he is?”

“Ahh…no. He just…”

Noah’s hand flies across the table to hover in front of her face. “Give me your phone.”

She blanches. “Um. What?”

“Phone,” he demands again, this time his tone letting on that he’s not playing games.

Alyssa fumbles around and hurries to get her phone out of her back pocket. She thrusts her hand back out, attempting to pass it to Noah, but her nerves are eating her up and cause the phone to slip out of her fingertips.

Noah catches it in the blink of an eye as though he’s used to teenage girls turning into fumbling messes around him, though, I guess he is. He flicks the phone around between his fingers and hits the home button while keeping his other hand firmly in mine. When the phone prompts a passcode, Noah looks up at her expectantly, the only sign of his frustration; a slight twitch in his thumb. I squeeze his hand in response and hope it’s enough for him to keep his cool until we’re alone.

Alyssa blanches once again, momentarily forgetting her code when she realizes that she has all of two seconds to pull her shit together or risk facing the wrath of Noah Cage.

“4827,” she finally rushes out, a little too breathy and showcasing her fear to the whole cafeteria.

Noah enters the code and moves his arm across so I can clearly see the screen. His thumb quickly finds the messages app and before I know it, he’s scrolling through until he finds Rivers name attached to one.

He clicks on it and I instantly smirk at the one-sided, desperate texts she’s been sending him over the past two weeks.

Noah scrolls up to see them all.

He finds the last text he sent her all the way back from the afternoon of the crash.

Rivers – Meet me after school. I’ll drop your fine ass home.

Alyssa – Sure thing, babe. Xx

The next message comes only a few short hours later.

Alyssa – OMG! Rivers. Are you ok? I heard there was a crash.

Alyssa – Baby? What happened? Are you alright? Please answer me.

Alyssa – Rivers?

The texts go on, each and every one of them left unanswered for the following week.

Alyssa – What’s going on, Rivers? People are starting to talk. They say you crashed on purpose. I hope that’s not true.

Alyssa – Are you coming to school? I miss you.

Alyssa – Shit. Rivers, everyone is saying you were the one who sent out that video. Noah and Henley just ripped into me about it. Where are you?

Alyssa – Are you even coming today?

Alyssa – Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance