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“You could say that,” I laugh. “Ari kept me on my toes this morning.”

He grins back at me. “I should have known,” he says, reaching around me to grab my bag from the truck. “You ready for this?”

I ignore his questions, reaching up to stroke my fingers across his brow. “You know, I think you were right,” I tell him. “I’m really digging this scar.”

A grin brightens his face. “I fucking knew it, Spitfire.”

I turn to Rivers and narrow my eyes. “As for you, Fucker. Lay your hands on my man again and I’ll be forced to take you out.”

“Yeah right,” Rivers scoffs. “I’d like to see you try.”

I turn to look up at the school and just like every day since I took Monica down two weeks ago, the students of Haven Falls Private are already heading my way.

I pull my game face on, straighten my back and raise my shoulders.

Your Queen is here, Haven Falls.

Chapter 3

A coffee is thrust into my hand by some junior I’ve never met as some random cheerleader steps up beside me, not talking but just walking as though she belongs there. I stop in the middle of the hallway, students all around me staring on.

The cheerleader’s face falls as fear flashes behind her eyes.

I’m the new queen here. I never intended to be, it just kind of fell in my lap after I took out Monica. I already had Candice in my back pocket and without Monica leading all the sheep astray, they needed someone else to worship.

I like to say it’s because I’m Noah’s girlfriend, but Noah, Tully, and Rivers assures me it’s not. They think it’s because I’m the only chick in school who has enough balls to put bitches in their place. I’m not afraid of a fight and after years of watching me get back up every time someone knocked me down, they came to the conclusion that I’m someone worth following.

What a fucking joke, right? If only they knew the real me, they’d want to keep far enough away to avoid needing a facial reconstruction.

I don’t particularly agree with their judgment. I’m just trying to get through my day without tripping and landing face first in a pile of dog shit. The rest of the school though, they have different plans for me.

I must admit, being the queen of the school does come with its perks. After falling asleep this morning, I didn’t get a chance to grab a coffee, yet here it is, waiting, toasty warm in my hands. I have girls fawning over my every need and it’s a damn good change of pace.

The cheerleader standing before me shrinks back as I narrow my eyes on her, keeping a straight face despite the fact that I want nothing more than to laugh at the way she reacts to me. It’s funny – they want to be near me, want my protection because I seem to act first and ask questions later, but when it comes down to it, they’re all terrified of me proving once and for all that they don’t have what it takes to walk by my side.

That’s exactly why I have my pack. They’re the only people in Haven Falls with a backbone strong enough to be my people. I’m so damn happy I found them.

“Can I help you?” I ask the cheerleader, pulling out my ‘boss bitch’ tone.

“I…I just,” she stammers before falling silent.

“That’s what I thought,” I grunt. “Now, hurry along.” She hesitates a moment and I try my hardest to reign in my inner bitch, but no, she’s shining bright today.

I step into the cheerleader, crowding her into the locker. “Let me guess,” I start as she swallows back fear while the rest of the hallway watches on. “Some bitch wronged you and you want to look like king fucking shit by walking at my side, making out like you have my protection instead of growing a pair of balls and asking me directly, or better yet, dealing with your shit by yourself.”

Her eyes widen in shock as though she’s surprised that I knew what she wanted, but how could I not? All these girls are the same. They never spoke a word to me before now, but all of a sudden, they think they deserve a space at my side. Yeah fucking right. My protection is deserved, not handed out to anyone who will take it. I mean, where did all the backbones go? Tully and I couldn’t possibly be the only chicks around here with balls of steel.

“It’s just…” the cheerleader stutters.

“No, honey,” I say shaking my head. “That isn’t how this works. What did you think? That I was going to bend over backward and take care of your shit because you’re too fucking scared to do it yourself? No. No way in hell. Go and handle your own shit. You’re fucking nothing. You’re weak. Bitches like you who can’t stand up for themselves and face their own demons are nothing. You don’t deserve the protection of my pack, now shoo. Get the fuck out of here.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance