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Tully’s face falls. “Get fucked,” she growls before reaching for the door handle.

“No, don’t,” Rivers says, latching onto her arm and pulling her back. “Don’t go. She only lives around the corner. She’ll be out of here before you know it. I don’t want you walking home. It’s too cold.”

“So, I’ve got to sit in here and watch you walk her to the door. Kiss her goodbye. Yeah fucking right.”

“Come on, Tullz,” he says. “You’re the one who said you’re cool with this. You’re still dating Rocko.” He lets out a breath. “I promise. I won’t walk her in.”

“Whatever,” he says, staring out the window and pointedly looking away, especially when Alyssa strides down and climbs into the car.

She looks cautiously to me and Tully before leaning over into the front seat and pressing a kiss to Rivers’ cheek. “Thanks,” she says. “You didn’t have to take me home.”

Tully looks back with her perfect bitch face. “Then walk.”

“Ignore her,” Rivers murmurs, instantly backing the car out of the spot so no one has a chance to get out. I know, I’m probably the safest bet as to which of us girls is more willing to be here right now, but the level of tension radiating around this car has me wanting to be the one to Superman dive out the door. I’ve never done it before and I’m sure as hell it would hurt, but I’m willing to take the risk.

It’s like ice cold in here and I don’t mean because of the weather.

I pull out my phone.

Henley – You’re in so much trouble for leaving me to deal with this stupid Tully/Rivers/Alyssa love triangle bullshit.

Noah – Why? What happened now?

Henley – Rivers promised to drive Alyssa home as well.

Noah – Fuck. Hide anything sharp. Either Rivers or Alyssa are about to meet their maker. I’ll make it up to you when I get home.

Henley – K. Love you.

Noah – Fucking love you too, Spitfire.

Just as Rivers had said, Alyssa lives nearby and we’re at her place in the blink of an eye. She leans forward into the front to say goodbye, but this time goes for Rivers’ lips.

Tully’s eyes narrow on the girl and her hand reaches for a fistful of hair.

I move faster than lightning. My hand shoots out and the loud sting of my hand slapping against Tully’s is heard throughout the car, but lucky for us, neither Rivers or Alyssa can figure out where it came from.

I give Tully a nasty look and she shoots one right back, more than pissed that I stole her opportunity to take a bitch down.

As Rivers promised, he doesn’t walk her to the door, but he waits patiently for her to walk inside her home before he pulls away from the curb and looks over to Tully. “Thank you,” he murmurs quietly.

“For what?”

“Being on your best behavior.”

We both scoff. If nearly ripping out chunks of hair is his definition of best behavior, then yeah, she did great.

The tension disappears from the car and we get on our way. Tully turns up the music, I sit back and sing along, while Rivers steals sneaky glances at the scary as shit, badass woman sitting beside him.

He brings the car to a stop at a red light and waits patiently as Tully blabbers on about her day, though I don’t doubt he’s hanging on every word she says. He hits the gas and moves forward across the intersection as the light turns green.

“FUCK!,” he yells, swerving across the road and throwing his arm up in front of Tully’s chest.

My eyes snap up to the road to take in the red car, speeding through the red light and careening towards. “NO,” I scream as my heart instantly begins to race.

The last thing I hear is Tully terrified gasp before the car smashes into us, sending us hurtling across the intersection and slamming into a tree.

My head spins.

In and out of consciousness.

It’s hard to breathe.

My chest.

Noise sounds all around me as a strange smell stings my nose. I try to peel open my eyes and blink back a few times. The world continues spinning around me but the sound of Rivers’ voice cutting through the fog has me finally able to zone in on him.

I lay on the rocky asphalt, my body burning from…something. “No, baby. Don’t you dare go to sleep. Keep your eyes on me,” Rivers begs with tears in his eyes.

I focus more.

Tully is cradled in his arms as blood pours from a gash on his forehead.

She was closest to the tree.

Panic tears through me and my eyes flutter closed before I force them open once again.

Sirens sound in the distance and I keep my eyes trained on Tully, waiting for her to move, but the last thing I see before completely passing out is her body falling limp in Rivers’ arms.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance