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Rivers grins. “If the girl really wants a big ass pole, I’ve got one she could use.”

Noah turns on Rivers with a lethal glare. “Fucking watch it, bro.”

Twenty minutes later, the street sign balances on the center of the dashboard and goes right through to the back of the car, acting as some sort of line that separates Tully and Rivers, keeping them from clawing each other’s eyes out.

The boys were lucky. The pole is that old that they were able to wiggle it around for a while and loosen the dirt around the base, after that, it just popped straight out as I watched on with a massive, cheesy grin. No one’s ever broken a law for me before. It was kind of nice. Now I just got to make sure I don’t get caught with it. No matter what though, this sign will always serve as a reminder of what an awesome time I’ve been having today, despite the rude wake up call.

Noah drives for another forty minutes before he turns down an old dirt road. “Is this it?” I ask, looking out the window but not able to see much as we’re surrounded by bush.

“Think so,” he says. “I haven’t been here before, but from what I was told, we follow this road for about ten minutes and then turn down a little track and that should lead us into some kind of clearing. No one will bother us out here.”

“It’s kind of creepy,” Tully murmurs, looking out the window just like the rest of us.

I don’t look, but I can hear the smile in Rivers’ tone. “You scared?”

“In your fucking dreams,” she tells him with an irritated snap.

“It’s ok, baby,” he teases. “I’ll keep you safe all night long.”

“If you even look my way tonight, I’ll castrate you. Got it?”

“Challenge accepted.”

“Bullshit,” she grumbles. “You’re with Alyssa now and besides, you’re too fucking pussy to come anywhere near me.”

“And he better keep it that way,” Noah rumbles from the front seat as I try to put myself in Rivers’ position. One minute, Tully is telling him to keep away and the next, it’s as if she’s setting him a challenge to actually come after her. I guess it’s a little hard for her to figure out what she actually wants from him right now.

I tune out their endless taunts and jabs and focus on the area around me. It’s nothing short of beautiful. The trees are solid wood, not the shitty little, twig looking trees, but beautiful big ones that stand tall and proud. There are bushes, big and small, little creeks that flow through the land, a million different shades of rock, and I’m pretty sure I even see a walking trail.

Nothing is overgrown and it looks as though someone must spend a bit of time out here keeping the area clean, either that or there’s some kind of killer hiding in the woods, spending his days pulling out weeds just waiting for idiots like us to show up. It’s not like anyone would hear us scream out here. It would be the perfect area for mass murder. I hope Noah told someone where we were going. Is there phone signal out here? Maybe I should double check that.

Shit, that’s probably not what I should be thinking about right before spending the night here in some flimsy tent. Though, I’m sure the boys would be more than willing to take down any threat that comes our way. Hell, if someone out here meant us harm, I’d even throw myself in, headfirst, ready to do some damage. There’s nothing better than pummeling your fist into someone who deserves it. I haven’t had a chance to do it in a while and my body is starting to crave it.

Hmmm. Maybe Noah would take one for the team. Nah, he’s too pretty and I’d chicken out. I couldn’t hurt him. Rivers though, he’d take it like a man and probably beg for more.

We pull up at the camping site and just as Noah had said, there’s a big, open clearing, perfect for camping. There are trees all around to keep us hidden in case someone does come by, which is very unlikely. There’s an area that’s clearly been used for campfires, and tree stumps which have been placed around it, probably used as seating, though hopefully, Noah thought to bring some chairs as those stumps look fucking uncomfortable.

We get ourselves set up and to be honest, putting a tent together with Noah is something I never want to experience ever again. He’s far too bossy and alpha for that shit. I left it to him and watched with a smirk as Rivers joined him and it quickly turned into an argument over who has the biggest set of balls.

Neither of them won. Tully had her tent up in half the time and sat back with a smirk, watching the show as she poured herself a well deserved drink. I guess reading the instructions has its benefits after all.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance