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When Jackson realized what a shitty job I was doing, he stepped in and taught me. Having such a nasty crush on him at the time, I didn’t get much concentrating done, add that to the fact that I was teaching myself to drive in an ancient truck, and I nearly sent us hurtling onto the boardwalk and into the ocean. Trust me when I say there’s a huge difference between driving a car like Jackson’s and driving something older than my dad.

Jackson didn’t let me drive much after that.

Noah’s Camaro though, that’s as easy as riding Noah himself. You just got to show it who’s boss and it will come alive beneath you, letting you feel its deep rumble and smooth, harder edges. Pure perfection.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Jackson questions, pulling me out of my thoughts as he drives towards Haven Falls.

I blink a few times, hardly remembering where the hell I am. I quickly glance back at Tully and find her laying across the backseat, using Jackson’s old high school letterman jacket as a pillow, making a fond smile pull at my lips. “Nothing,” I say, turning back to the front to give her a little privacy as she drools all over the jacket and grumbles in her sleep.

“Bullshit,” Jackson chuckles to himself before quickly glancing across at me. “I’ve known you forever, Henley. You were having dirty thoughts and you can’t fucking deny it.”

“What?” I gasp, sucking in a breath and gawking at him. I mean, a few dirty thoughts kind of surfaced in my mind, but this guy doesn’t need to know about them and he sure as hell doesn’t need to know that the second I walk through the door of Noah’s bedroom, it will be locking behind me and not opening until I’ve had my fill of him. “I was not having dirty thoughts.”

Jackson raises a brow, once again challenging me and I try to think back to what was going through my mind before it was assaulted with all things Noah. It finally comes back to me – his stupid car and the stupid boardwalk. “I was just remembering when you taught me how to drive stick shift in this thing,” I tell him, relieved that it’s a topic that should distract him from the last one.

“Oh, yeah. You fucking sucked,” he laughs. “Are you still a shit driver? I bet you are.”

“Excuse you,” I say. “I’ll have you know that I am fucking awesome. I could whip your ass any day on the track.”

“Right,” he grins.

“Rumor has it that it’s not that hard to beat you anyway.” I start counting my fingers. “How many times has Nate beaten you now? Shit, I don’t have enough hands to work that one out.”

His head whips my way as he narrows his eyes on mine. “Take that back.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Sorry, I just can’t,” I say as a thought hits me. “Have you ever raced Noah?”

Jackson sinks back into his chair as he falls into deep thought. “I don’t think I have,” he tells me. “But I sure as hell can beat his ass.”

“Right,” I say, mimicking his earlier tone.

We fall into easy conversation the rest of the way back to Noah’s place and I can’t help but feel comfortable with how easy it comes. It’s almost as though I truly have my old friend back. I’ve missed this and it’s so much better because the swirling thoughts in my head are completely gone. Well, that’s not entirely true, there are still swirling thoughts in my head, but they’re just not about him. Not anymore and never will be again.

Noah has completely consumed me. Never in my wildest dream would I think that I was lucky enough to find a guy like Noah, and I certainly never thought that he’d fall in love with me and completely sweep me off my feet. I must be living in some kind of alternate universe because shit like that just doesn’t happen, but I’ll be damned if I don’t hold onto it as tight as I can. Surely, time is going to run out on me soon and I want to have made the most of it when that time comes.

I really hope that time never comes. I’m having way too much fun. Being Noah’s girl, shit. Noah’s girl. I still can’t get used to that. Being his girl is an absolute dream come true. He’s wormed his way under my hard exterior and is taking away the darkness within.

I always assumed that being in love with someone made you soft and reliant, but I was so damn wrong. He lifts me up. He continues to let me be independent. In fact, he soars seeing me taking care of myself, but no matter what, he’ll be close by in case I need him. He’ll never let me fall, but he’ll sure as hell let me learn from my mistakes just as I do for him.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance