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“I got you, didn’t I?” he says with a cheesy as fuck grin.

“You’re an idiot.”

“And you’re going to be a college student.”

“We’ll see,” I mutter.

“Uh huh,” he says, pulling away from me and pulling a pen out of who the hell knows where before he starts filling out my application.

“What are you doing?” I screech, pulling at his arm.

Noah shakes me off and Rivers and Tully laugh in amusement. “Shut up,” Noah scolds. “I’m busy.”

I groan and let him do his thing. He’s most likely going to fill it out wrong anyway meaning I’ll have to start over, but if it makes him feel like a fucking boss doing it, then by all means, he can destroy the form as much as he wants.

Tully laughs on the other side of Noah and I glance up to find her face shoved into her phone as she busily texts someone. Rivers eyes narrow on her, knowing that with the four of us sitting at the table, there’s not many other people she could be texting, especially people who could make her laugh.

“Who the fuck you textin’?” Rivers grunts.

Tully’s head snaps up with a ferocious glare as Noah groans beside me. “That’s none of your goddamn business,” Tully scowls at him.

I didn’t think it was possible but Rivers eyes somehow narrow on her even more and then in the blink of an eye, his arm flies across the table and snatches her phone out of her unexpecting hands, shocking us all. “No,” Tully screeches as Rivers scans over the text. “Give me my phone, asshole.”

Rivers face turns a deep shade of red as he slams her phone down on the table, most likely smashing the screen as students all through the cafeteria whip their heads in our direction. “Like fuck you’re going out with Rocko tomorrow night.”

“I’ll go out with whoever the hell I want,” she throws right back at him. “You lost your right to have any say over my love life when you fucked us up.”

Noah’s head snaps up, all thoughts of college application forms gone as he stares at Rivers. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

Tully shoots to her feet, still scowling at Rivers as she responds to her brother. “Nothing. It means absolutely nothing.” With that, she storms out of the cafeteria and not a second later, Rivers disappears in the opposite direction, leaving Noah and I sitting behind in complete silence.

Chapter 9

“Can you believe that fucking idiot?” Tully demands as we walk through the campus of Broken Hill University.

“I know,” I tell her, not bothering to expand on my outrage as this is probably the twentieth time we’ve discussed it since lunch. Both Tully and Rivers disappeared and with everything going to shit for the afternoon, Noah and I left right behind them, skipping the rest of class for the day. I mean, it’s not exactly a good start to the whole ‘trying to get my grades up for college’ but our pack was in meltdown mode and we couldn’t just ignore that.

I get lost looking around at all the fancy ass buildings and realize this place looks way too major leagues for me. It’s freaking beautiful and screams money. I don’t belong here. I’d feel like a fraud getting a free ride to a place like this, but then, it would be the most moronic thing to turn it down if I was lucky enough to be accepted.

Crap. I knew when Kaylah suggested coming here tonight for Jackson’s football game, I should have rejected the offer. All this is going to do is make my head spin with unanswered questions. Either that or it’s going to make me see a future that is so far beyond my reach and that’s only going to cut me down if it doesn’t happen.

I’m setting myself up for failure. My hopes will be crushed, but Noah assures me that he’s got this.

That idiot. He might be Superman but he’s not a fucking magician. Only I can make it happen. If Noah went in there blazing with his threats and tough guy persona, he’ll get laughed out and I’ll lose whatever shot I had. I have to do this on my own and the only way little ol’ me is going to get noticed is by pulling some killer grades out of my ass.

Damn. That requires studying.

After finding Tully sulking this afternoon, I needed something to get her mind off it. I called Kaylah thinking she could come over to my place and we could have a girls’ night with Aria. Nails, hair, movie, and popcorn. It would have been great. Dad would have locked himself in his bedroom and not come out until the coast was clear, but the second Kaylah said she had promised Jackson that she’d come to his game, Tully was on her feet getting ready.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance