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Carver slides another piece of paper in front of me with a knowing glint in his eye. “What if I told you there was a way?”

He’s got to be nuts, right?

I look down at the paper and read over it. Surely, I’m not seeing this right. A scholarship? What the hell? I suck in a breath. “What is this?”

“It’s exactly what you think it is. You have the potential to be better than Haven Falls. Right now, you’re letting your town dictate who you can be and how far in life you can go. Step outside of the box, Henley. I see so much more in you than waiting tables at Whataburger.”

I look down again. Hardly able to believe what I’m seeing. A freaking scholarship. Am I even eligible for this? No, it’s not possible. Not with my grades. I mean, my science grades are outstanding, but everything else? No, there’s just no way.

“What do you want to study, Henley?” Carver asks me softly. “And don’t even think about lying. I’m the one who grades all of your exams, I know when a topic interest you.

I bite down on my bottom lip before looking up at him and letting out a breath. What’s the harm in sharing? If anything, he could maybe add in a few more lessons on the topic. “Genetic Genealogy,” I tell him. “I don’t know, something about human DNA intrigues me. It’s fascinating and complex while so freaking straight forward at the same time.”

“It sure is,” he agrees with a proud smile before getting up from the desk, though I don’t know what he’s proud about, all I did was tell him something about myself. It’s not as though I just received an acceptance letter.

“Look,” Carver says, glancing down at the application form under my fingers. “Think it over and if it’s something you really want; I will help you apply and speak with your teachers about putting together a plan to help raise your grades. There’s a future for you here, I promise you that,” he adds. “You just have to see it and want it bad enough to make it happen.”

Well, shit. That’s not how I expected my afternoon to go.

I nod my head, unable to form any words as I continue staring at the paper before me that could promise a whole different life, one I never expected could have even been a possibility. “Get out of here, Henley,” Carver says, probably not even realizing the weight he’s just dropped on my shoulders. “Go get yourself some lunch and think over your options.”

“Ok,” I say, pushing up from my desk and grabbing my things before taking the scholarship application between my fingers. “Thanks for this. I, uhh…I’ll let you know.”

Mr. Carver nods his head before stepping back and excusing me.

I walk out of his classroom, hardly able to make sense of the thoughts running through my mind. I’ve never even bothered to consider college because it’s simply a luxury we can’t afford, but a scholarship…that would change everything. My only issue is making myself want it and working towards it, only to not receive it. That would be devastating and all the hard work I’ll have to do until graduation would all be for nothing.

I mean, not completely for nothing. There’s always room for a better education and receiving knowledge but to not get that scholarship; that would kill me.

I make my way down to the cafeteria on autopilot, not really seeing a damn thing around me. Pushing through the door, I spot Noah, Tully, and Rivers almost instantly. All three sets of eyes fly to mine with concern and I realize Tully probably explained that I was in shit.

Little do they know, Tully was right. I am in shit, just a different kind then what they’re expecting.

Seeing the concern on Noah’s face, the fog begins to clear. I walk forward and drop down by his side as Tully leans forward on the table, peering around Noah’s side to get a better look at me. “What happened?” she questions, not blessing me with a second to work out how to word this.

I look up at her and I can’t help but grin, knowing exactly how she’s going to react to this. “Carver thinks I should be applying to college.”

Tully instantly booms out with laughter as Noah raises a brow in curiosity. “Why would he think that?” Noah prompts, realizing there’s a little more to this story than just an opportunity to mock our disgraceful standards.

“Because I seem to have a bit of a…gift when it comes to science.”

Tully scoffs beside her brother. “That’s a bit of an understatement,” she says. “She’s like a fucking science nerd. That shit gets her hot.” She nudges Noah’s elbow. “You should probably screw her in the science labs. I’d bet all the money in the world that she’d go off like a bomb in there,” Tully winks. “You can thank me later.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance