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She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know. He has some shit going on at home that makes him feel…unworthy, which is just bullshit, you know? But….” She lets out a broken sigh. “I just wish things were different.”

I reach out and take her hand. “He’ll come around, and when he does, it’ll be explosive.”

Tully rolls her eyes as Noah’s head whips around to us with a devilish smirk. “Oh no.”

Not a second later, Rivers murmurs something to Aria and then all three are staring at us with an evil cackle pouring out of my little sister. “We’re fucked,” Tully says. “Run.”

An hour later, the five of us start heading up the beach, dripping wet, each with an ice cream cone in our hand. “Fuck, this is good,” Tully groans, licking around the base to stop the ice cream dripping down to her hands as Rivers watches her while discreetly adjusting himself.

She looks up from her ice cream, having absolutely no idea of the intense seduction she’s just thrown upon Rivers, but then, maybe that was her plan all along. “Who’s turn is it for truth or dare?” she questions.

Noah’s brows pull down as he looks to his sister. “Isn’t it yours?”

“No… I asked Ri-”

“Nope. Never happened,” Rivers cuts her off, clearly not ready to let Noah know about the ‘Truth’ question he’d answered for her. “It’s still your turn.”

Tully’s eyes sparkle with excitement. “Alright then,” she says, looking around our small group for her next victim. Naturally, she comes back to Rivers. She always comes back to Rivers. “Truth or dare?”

His too sure of himself, cocky grin spreads wide across his face. “Dare,” he says, spreading his arms out wide as if to say ‘give me all you’ve got.’ This time not terrified of what she might ask with Noah around.

Tully nods up ahead. “See that fence?” Rivers looks back over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes suspiciously on the fence before nodding. “I dare you to jump it.”

He scoffs and looks back at her. “What? That’s fucki-”

She cuts him off, clearly not being finished with her dare. “With Noahsaurus on your shoulders.”

His face falls as the boys glance at each other. “I can’t have a dude sitting on my shoulders. His cock will be rubbing all up against my neck.”

Noah winks. “It’s alright, man. I promise you’ll like it.”

“I agree,” I grin.

“You’re not backing out, are you?” Tully teases.

Rivers lets out a groan before shoving his ice cream into her hands. “If even a bite of that is missing, you’re going down, baby.”

He cracks his neck, looks to Noah and grins. He drops down to one knee. “Climb on board, princess.”

Noah looks to me, handing over his ice cream while pretending to be a giddy teenage girl. “Oooh, Rivers is about to take me for the ride of my life.”

Tully scoffs under her breath. “Yeah, well at least he’s taking one of us for a ride.”

I grin across at her, pleased as hell Noah didn’t hear that and get back to watching the show.

Noah’s hardly even on his shoulders before the two of them start giggling like little school girls. As Rivers pushes back up to his feet, Noah grabs hold of his head. “Fuck, man. Watch it.”

“Come on, dude. I got this,” Rivers laughs, trying his hardest not to show that the weight of Noah on his shoulders isn’t a big fucking deal. I mean, Noah’s not a little lanky kid, he’s over 6 foot 3 of pure, sexy as fuck muscle.

Rivers turns to face Tully with his cocky grin before showing her that he’s got this in the bag by squatting down. “They don’t call me fucking Quadzilla for nothing,” he roars.

“No one calls you Quadzilla,” Tully reminds him.

“Hey,” he reprimands. “Don’t you kill the vibe.”

She pretends to zip her lips before licking up the melting ice cream off Rivers cone, only to get a solid gasp out of him. “Whatcha gonna do about it?” she teases.

Rivers shakes his head and Noah flicks his foot up, kicking Rivers in the rib. “Get the fuck on with it,” he tells him. “But if you drop me, I’m going to sack you so fucking hard you won’t be walking for weeks.”

Rivers turns back to the fence that’s as high as his chest. On any other day, he’d be able to clear that in his sleep. With Noah on his shoulders, it’s going to be the best damn thing I’ve ever seen.

Rivers takes off towards the fence while Noah howls with laughter, holding on with everything he’s got. Rivers approaches the fence and I find myself clutching onto the ice cream cones so tight, I crack both of them, sending melted ice cream all down my arms.

This isn’t going to be good. No way is he going to clear that fence.

Rivers reaches the fence, grabs hold of it and launches himself over it. The weight of Noah on his shoulders has them toppling over and while they certainly cleared one side of the fence, the same can’t be said for the other.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance