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He rips the door open and throws me in before leaning down and finally giving me that cocky grin I love so much. “Just for the record,” he warns. “If those tits of yours get shaken in front of anyone but me, there’s going to be trouble.”

I look up at him with big, innocent eyes. “You promise?”

He shakes his head before closing my door and making his way around the car, ignoring the girls pawing at his chest and the guys trying to congratulate him on yet another epic win.

Noah drops down into his car and quickly starts his engine, noticing another race about to get started. The track clears of all the lingering people and before I know it, he’s speeding off the track, towards the dirt road to get out of here.

As we hit the main highway, heading back to Haven Falls, he looks across at me, taking in the way my eyes greedily rake over his body as he effortlessly shifts through his gears, working the stick like a damn pro. “Fuck, Spitfire. Change of plans. I’m taking you home now.”

Damn. That sounds good.

Frustration pours through me, knowing that what I’m about to say is delaying the inevitable and prolonging that desperate release my body has been craving all afternoon. “No way, cowboy,” I smile, reaching across and threading my fingers through his on top of the gear stick. “We’re partying first and then I promise, you can have me all night.”

He lets out a groan. “Fine, but you better make it worth my while.”

“Don’t I always?” I grin.

“You sure fucking do.”

Chapter 5

Noah pulls up at the party and instead of pulling up on the side of the road, behind the long line of parked cars, he drives up over the curb of the guy’s home, bringing his car to a stop in the very center of his front yard.

People gawk and stare, but quickly realize it’s Noah and their scowls instantly turn to over the top welcomes while beers somehow get thrust into his and Rivers’ hands.

I’ll never get used to showing up to parties like this with guys like Noah and Rivers. Their popularity astounds me. I don’t understand how two people could possibly be so damn loved. Noah is the King of Haven Falls Private right now and I guess that makes Rivers his fucked up court jester.

People seem to hear about his arrival before we’ve even gotten to the door as the second we walk in, drinks are thrust into mine and Tully’s hands too. I look down at the cold beer that appears before me and cringe knowing I’ll be handing this shit off to Noah as soon as he’s finished his first one. I’m certainly not a beer girl. The taste…ugh. Now cold, hard spirits, they’re my jam.

Tully instantly pushes the beer in her hand, into Rivers’ and he doesn’t hesitate taking it for a second. I guess it’s going to be a messy night.

The boys get caught up talking to some guys hovering in the doorway and I roll my eyes, having a feeling that’s the last we’ll be seeing of them tonight.

Tully takes my hand and pulls me away with Kaylah following behind when I realize I still have a beer in my hand. I find myself scowling down at the stupid thing when Kaylah’s hand shoots in and swipes it from my fingers. “Stop being such a baby,” she laughs. “It’s just beer.”

With that, she lifts the drink to her lips and Tully and I watch in awe as she throws the whole thing back in under thirty seconds. “How the hell did you do that?” Tully squeaks over the sound of the thumping music, watching Kaylah with admiration.

Kaylah simply grins. “It’s my new party trick,” she explains. “Jesse taught me.”

“Damn,” I chuckle as a sly smile raises the corners of my lips. “I bet he taught you all sorts of new things.”

Her eyes find mine in the darkened room. “You wouldn’t believe the kinds of things Jesse Ryder has been teaching me.”

“Holy hell,” Tully breathes. “I need to find me a boyfriend.”

“I don’t think you need a boyfriend,” I laugh as she continues pulling us through the house. “I have a feeling Rivers would be more than happy to show you all his dirty little tricks.”

Her eyes instantly heat. “Fuck me. I wish,” she throws over her shoulder. “Can you imagine all the things he would do to me?”

What can I say? If he’s anything like Noah, she’s definitely in for a treat.

“I need a drink,” she tells us, reaching the makeshift drinks table that’s been set up with ice buckets, sodas, and every selection of spirits a girl could need. There are buckets filled with beers underneath and red Solo cups littering every surface of the house. Hell, at some point I’ll have to try and work out whose house this is.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance