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I guess ‘worming’ isn’t exactly the right word for it. I opened myself up like a revolving door, begging them to come back to me. Well, begging Kaylah at least, Jackson just goes with the flow. He’s a happy guy and welcomes any kind of love, no matter what form it comes in.

My eyes follow Noah around the track as he kicks a red Mustang’s ass. A slither of jealousy cuts through me. A few weeks ago, Noah bulldozed me into sitting in on a race with him, and holy hell, it was epic. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins and my heart thundering inside my chest…it’s a feeling I could never describe, but hell, I want to do it again. The only issue is that it scared the crap out of me. I don’t recall and I’d deny it to anyone who asks, but Noah apparently thinks I screamed like a little bitch the whole way through.

I highly doubt it though. Or not. I might have screamed a little.

Ok, fuck. You got me. I was terrified. It was the strangest mix of excitement and terror. I’ve never felt anything quite like it before. I’d definitely do it again, but maybe not during a race. Maybe just me and Noah here by ourselves screwing around so he doesn’t have to go quite so fast.

I was devastated, I would have loved to watch him owning it from inside his car, but my eyes were clasped so damn tight, terrified we were going to crash. I mean, watching him drive is one of the best things I’ve ever witnessed. I don’t know what it is about watching a guy shift effortlessly through the gears that gets me so hot, but it does and with Noah, it’s so much better. I love it. So racing with him and not watching him for a single moment of it…yeah, that kind of sucked.

Noah hits the first corner and his back tires slide out as he effortlessly drifts around the bend, making it look damn easy.

Tully squeezes my hand. “Fuck, I hate watching him do this shit.”

I look across to her. So much for her ‘I don’t give a damn’ exterior. She’s shitting bricks. “You know, he really will be fine,” I tell her. “He knows what he’s doing.”

“I know. It’s just the fear of the unknown,” she sighs as he comes out of the bend, speeding forward with the red Mustang right on his ass. I can just imagine the cocky smirk across his face, already knowing he’s got this race in the bag. At this point, his races are more like a personal time trial and the opponent is just for appearances. He kicks their asses every week.

“But it isn’t unknown when it comes to Noah. He’s always in control behind the wheel of a car.”

“He is,” she agrees, “but what about the fucker in the red ‘stang?”

I squeeze her hand a little harder. “Have faith that he knows how to handle it,” I murmur for only her to hear. After all, she’d probably have a heart attack if she thought anyone around here could overhear us discussing one of her weaknesses. Not that there’s many, but she relies on her tough exterior. She likes being strong. She likes the world assuming they can’t get to her. Just like me. I’d dare say it’s part of the reason we get along so well.

Tully nods and turns her eyes back to the track.

Dust flies up from under Noah’s tires, covering the red Mustang in a cloud of dust and forcing him to steer across to the outside, giving Noah an even better advantage. “Dick move,” Rivers howls from behind us.

“How so?” Kaylah questions.

“The fucker didn’t need the advantage. He’s already got him. He’s just playing with him now, making him sweat.”

I shake my head as a grin splits my face in two. That would be right. Noah is a great guy. He’s loyal as hell and will do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves, but never did I claim he was a saint. He loves being on top. Just like his sister. He loves being the guy that everybody is in awe of and he doesn’t give a shit who he needs to step on to get there.

To Noah, if the guy wasn’t able to keep up with him on the track, he doesn’t deserve the respect of a clean race. He’s nothing. A bug for him to toy with. His entertainment for the night.

No, he’s certainly no saint. Hell, he can be downright dangerous if the situation called for it. I’ve watched him take guys down in one easy swing with nothing but fire in his eyes and a dark grin on his face. That side of him will only ever surface if he was protecting one of his own though and I can’t fault him for that.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance