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“Fuck that,” Rivers says, grabbing Tully’s elbow and leading her away. “We’ll take my car too.”

I grin to myself, knowing how much Tully would love the alone time with him and secretly wish those two would just sort out whatever it is that’s holding them back. It’s so stupid. They’d be great together. Everyone can see it, including them, but they’re too stubborn to admit it to themselves.

Noah and I get into his car and he pulls out of the drive with Rivers following behind us, making me happy for the alone time with him. Maybe now I can finally ask him about the secret, but then, maybe I just want to forget the secret exists and enjoy my night.

Kaylah and I used to go to the races all the time when Jackson was racing. I haven’t been in so long, but as he drives down the long dirt road leading toward the track, the old familiarity hits me.

“You’ve been here before,” Noah points as he makes his way down the road. “You don’t have that usual look on your face that people get their first time here.”

“And what look is that?” I laugh, remembering my first time.

“Like they think I’m bringing them out here to take advantage.”

I gasp in horror and place a hand to my heart. “You mean to tell me you’re not planning on taking advantage of me?”

He looks across at me and shakes his head with that sexy smirk I absolutely adore. “Just tell me what you need, babe, and I’ll give it to you anyway and anywhere you want.”

Oh, shit.

I squeeze my thighs together, trying to relieve that ache that seems to appear every time this guy opens his mouth. He places his hand on my leg and trails it up my thigh, slowly killing me. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs with a dark excitement in his green eyes.

I hold onto my seatbelt as though it could somehow save me from this torture.

“Fuck the race,” Noah says, pulling off towards the side of the road so he can turn around. “I’m taking you home.”

“No way,” I shriek. “I’ve been waiting weeks to watch you do this. No way are you about to take that away from me.”

“But, babe,” he whines.

“No,” I laugh. “When we get home you can screw me until I can’t walk, but right now, you’re going to dominate that track and I promise, I’ll be more than ready for you when you’re done.”

A groan pulls from deep within him. “Don’t fucking tease me like that.”

I take his hand on my thigh and slide it down between my legs, ignoring the way it drives me wild with need. “You don’t race, you don’t get any of this.”

“Damn it, Spitfire,” he says, getting back on the dirt road. “This is going to be the fastest race I’ve ever done.”

“You want to hope so,” I tease, “because I’m not going home with no loser.”

He pinches the inside of my thigh. “Fucking smartass.”

We finally get to the end of the dirt road and come out to the race track. The place is packed with bodies just as I’ve always remembered it. If anything, it’s probably become bigger.

Cars line one side of the massive property as people pile out of them and walk towards the huge dirt track.

Two cars are racing and that old excitement builds within me. There’s nothing better than the high of watching a race at this track. In other cities, they go to clubs and spend their nights partying, in Broken Hill they go to that lame lake, but here in Haven Falls…we race.

Hell, maybe one day I’d even consider racing, but the thought of possibly destroying a car for a little enjoyment doesn’t sit well with me, and you know, apart from the whole ‘not actually having a car’ thing. That kind of kills the dream.

Noah drives down past the parked cars and I watch with amusement as people hurry to get out of his way, probably fearing that the King of Haven Falls wouldn’t have an issue bowling them over. I mean, he probably wouldn’t hit anyone to the point of injuring them, but he sure as hell would give them a little nudge.

He keeps going until he’s near the starting point of the track and I wonder what the hell he’s doing. Rivers and Tully stopped following us ages ago. If he lets me out here, it’s going to take me forever to find them in this crowd.

As we sit alone, I can’t help but let my mind wander. Should I just ask him what he’s into. I’m sure he’ll tell me. We’ve come too far for him not too, right?

Don’t be a chicken sick. Just ask.

I cringe to myself.

Ask him, damn it.

Noah looks across to me and takes in the strange look on my face. “Do you trust me?” he questions, probably mistaking my look for confusion.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance