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Noah leads me right to my locker where he presses me into it. An outraged shriek catches our attention from the opposite end of the hallway. Neither of us bothers to look. We know who it is and she wouldn’t dare come to me now, especially with Noah by my side. She’ll probably try and corner me later in the day, and if she does, I’ll be ready.

I bet she assumed I’d spend the next few weeks hiding at home, terrified of showing my face. Never in a million years would she expect that I’d directly go against her and show up in Noah’s arms nonetheless.

She underestimated who she was fucking with and look who ended up on top?

Noah grins down at me. “You sure you want to be here today?” he murmurs. “I can take you home.”

“Hell yeah, I want to be here,” I laugh. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, and besides, Monica’s cheer skanks kind of trashed my house. I’m avoiding dealing with that shit as long as I can.”

“In that case,” he says, slowly leaning in and making the butterflies stir despite the fact that we spent the night in bed doing all sorts of unspeakable things, “let the games begin.”

Noah’s lips press down on mine and it’s almost comical how the gasps are heard from every direction of the hallway. The king of Haven Falls has officially been taken off the market. Girls dreams everywhere are dying and it’s all because of me. Well, because of him too. It’s not like I forced the guy to drive me home after throwing a bowl of spaghetti all over him. That was all him.

I melt into him and even though this was supposed to be an ‘in your face’ kind of kiss, it turns into more. It always turns into more, but it’s even better knowing what this would be doing to Monica. She’s publicly claimed that Noah is hers and for her friends to see him with me, is like an ultimate stab in the back. It’s fucking perfect.

I melt into him and before I know it, the rest of the world has faded away. “Ugh,” Tully groans, walking by and purposefully knocking into Noah’s shoulder. “Get a room. You’re going to make me gag.”

Noah reluctantly pulls back and I can’t help but glance up the hallway, solely for the purpose of flipping Monica off.

I do just that and her face flames with fury, making me chuckle under my breath. “What is it?” Noah murmurs, ducking his head and kissing my neck.

“Nothing,” I grin. “I think it’s going to be a great day.”

He shakes his head. “Just remember our deal. You can’t kick anyone’s ass until you’re healed.”

“I think you healed me this morning,” I tell him. “I never felt so good.”

Noah rolls his eyes, knowing damn well that I’m talking about his ‘getting down and dirty’ magic, not the words he said to me, even though they were good too.

He pulls back so I can get into my locker and the second I close it again, he’s right there again. “What are you going to do?” I ask, flicking my eyes back up the hallway to see Monica and Candice in a hushed conversation. They amongst the other cheerleaders who all look like their shitting bricks, realizing their bullshit from yesterday is going to come back and bite them on the ass in a big fucking way.

A wide grin spreads over Noah’s face. “Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise now, would I?”

“Oh, come on,” I groan. “Work with me here. I’m practically crippled.”

“Now you want to use that card? You were absolutely fine to come three times this morning and you think you’re ok to beat the shit out of cheerleaders, but now you want to claim you’re crippled? Bullshit. You can wait just like everyone else.”

“Actually,” I smile innocently. “I came four times.”

“Point proven,” he tells me with a proud grin as the bell for homeroom rings. “I’ll see you at lunch, ok? Try not to get yourself a detention.”

I push up off my locker and smile at him as I start walking down the hallway. “Can’t make any promises,” I call over my shoulder.

I make my way to homeroom and the second my attendance is taken, I skip out of the classroom and take myself down to the nurse, claiming a nasty headache.

She gives me a couple of pain killers and I swallow them down greedily while avoiding her questions on what the hell happened to me. After all, I saw her only twenty-four hours ago and she was more than aware that I only had one accidental cut to the face. Just from taking a quick glance she can tell that this was no accident. I give her the ‘I fell down the stairs’ excuse and she pulls a face, clearly knowing I’m lying and not about to give her the gruesome details.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance