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Don’t be fooled. I will get my revenge for this. Henley Bronx is not one to sit back and let this type of shit happen. They will get what they deserve and I’m going to love every second of handing it to them.

As Jackson takes off up the road, I can’t help but take in Rocko standing out the front of his house, his head is bent down over the front of his car as he works on something in the engine. He didn’t have to go out of his way to call for help, but he did and I’ll forever be grateful. Hell, maybe he’s trying to make up for all the shitty things he’s done in the past. All I know, is that at some point, I’m probably going to have to say thank you.

Chapter 19

I point out a few directions and it’s not long before Jackson pulls up at Tully’s place and helps me out of the car. It feels like a lifetime getting from the car to the front door, but when we do, relief surges over me. I’m so close to being able to crash down onto a bed.

Noah’s Camaro wasn’t parked out front which all that manages to do is make me question what he’s doing. Is he with her or are he and Rivers doing whatever the hell it is they do? On the good side, he’s not here to bug me with a hundred and one questions about what happened to my face, just Tully who will probably rush around, making sure everything is comfortable and in reaching distance.

What would I do without her?

Kaylah knocks on the front door and Tully pulls it open a second later. Her brows pull down, probably wondering why the hell Kaylah and Jackson Millington are standing on her doorstep, but then her eyes roam over me.

They widen in terror. “Oh, my God,” she screeches, reaching for me. “What the hell happened to you? Who did this?”

Jackson helps me inside and leads me straight to the couch as Kaylah hangs back at the door. I can’t help but look back and notice a slight flicker of jealousy pulsing through her, but that’s that price you pay when you abandon someone. You can’t expect them to wait around forever. Things change.

I turn back to Tully. “Who do you think?” I grunt out.

“No,” she gasps. “She wouldn’t…She couldn’t.”

“Well, she sure as hell did.”

Jackson sets me down on the couch and looks over me. “You all good here?”

“Yeah,” I say with an awkward smile. “Thanks.”

He nods. “Alright, Kid. I’ll see you around, k? Don’t be a stranger.”

“Look who’s talking,” I mutter. He laughs and sends me a wink before heading for the door and dragging Kaylah back up the driveway, completely disappearing.

“Well, that was weird,” Tully murmurs.

“Tell me about it. It was uncomfortable while also so familiar, but we were able to talk some shit over. Rocko called Kaylah to say I needed help. I guess he hasn’t taken much notice of the fact that she hasn’t been around for a while.”

“Yeah, well you know Rocko. If it doesn’t concern him, he usually doesn’t give a shit,” she reminds me before a sheepish cringe flutters across her face. “How are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it?”

I press my lips together and shake my head gently, knowing that if I was to move too fast, the pain will shoot back through my head like a jackhammer. “No. Do you know where Noah is?” I ask. “I should probably talk to him.”

“Seriously?” she scoffs. “He’s not going to expect you to sort out all your shit right now. You can sleep on it and talk when you’re feeling a bit better.”

“No, I just… need to talk to him. What happened with Monica, he just… I really need to talk to him.”

“OK,” she says with a heavy confusion. “I’ll try calling him again, but I haven’t heard from him all day. Rivers still hasn’t seen him either. Have you tried texting him?”

“Monica smashed my phone,” I tell her.

Tully sucks in a breath. “Are you kidding?” she demands. “I swear, that bitch has taken it too far this time. Was it just her? I bet she had Candice with her.”

“There were about five of them,” I inform her. “Candice and Monica jumped me while some skank held me down and the other two ransacked my place. It’s a fucking mess.”

“Shit,” she sighs. “I’ll help you clean it.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“It’s fine,” she tells me. “Now, how are we going to get her back?”


A pain stabs through the back of my ribs and I continue tossing and turning just like I’ve been doing all night. I’ve hardly slept at all as every time I move, I end up pressing down on another bruise.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance