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I think she could tell how hurt I was by Noah’s rejection and I think she hates the way he dismissed me on Saturday morning, but she’s caught in the middle. He’s her twin brother and no matter what, they share a bond that no one will ever be able to break.

She supports him, while also doing everything she can to support me. It’s a tricky situation for her, but I’m damn pleased that she was able to see past my bullshit and spend all of yesterday with me.

We fucked around all day doing all sorts of stupid shit to cheer us both up. She had a missed opportunity with Rivers that apparently, doesn’t tend to come around often with him, despite his endless flirting. So, to say she could really use the girl time is an understatement.

It was an awesome Saturday night and Sunday spent with her, even though the movie scared the shit out of both of us and we had to watch ‘The Notebook’ afterward just so we could get the idea of a demon living in the roof out of our heads; though it’s completely Tully’s fault for bringing that movie over in the first place. It’s terrifying and she knows it.

I finally get to my locker and put in the combination. Call me crazy, but I’m actually excited to be here today. It means that everything can go back to normal. I’m done with Noah so all I have to do is go to class, scowl at the rude bitches, and mind my own business, just like I used to. No more of those secret glances from across the room, no more flirting, no texting. It’s all done.

I haven’t seen him since Saturday morning and to be honest, I’m glad. I couldn’t bear to hear about this baby anymore. I mean, God bless every little child on earth, but I just can’t seem to like this one very much. I will for Tully’s sake, though. Hell, I’m sure if it came out with his green eyes and looking just like his daddy, I’d probably instantly fall in love, as for now, the idea of being salty sits really well with me.

Tully hasn’t admitted it yet, but she’s excited about being an aunt. I can just picture it now, she’ll buy the kid all sorts of new toys, teach it bad words, go to the park, and teach it how to be awesome just like her.

She’ll be in her zone. She’s definitely going to love being an aunt.

And well, Noah… he’s going to be the best father this world has ever seen. You know those ‘World’s best dad’ awards, they’re going to go straight to him. He’s going to work his ass off and will be fiercely protective of his kid. Loyal, trustworthy, and fun. Everything a kid could want in a dad.

Monica doesn’t know how lucky she is, but then, maybe she does.

A hard body falls into the locker beside me and I’m just about to tell Noah to get lost when I realize it’s not actually him. I mean, am I that consumed by him that I just assume he’s around me all the time? God, I’ve got to pull myself together.

Spencer grins down at me as though I’m some kind of meal. “Where’d you disappear to on Friday night?” he questions, stepping in a little closer. “Things were just starting to heat up.”

I turn and look up at him. “Are you serious, right now?”

“Yeah,” he chuckles. “Course I am. Let’s fuck off out of here and we can finish what we started.”

“No way in hell,” I laugh, turning back to my locker and rifling through for my things.

Spencer pulls at my elbow to drag my attention back to him. “What’s up? You’re so hot and cold all the time.”

“Spencer,” I groan, pulling my arm free before hissing under my breath. “You marked my fucking skin. You made me look like a battered woman you’d claimed. You’re lucky my dad wasn’t home to see that shit. He would have hunted you down with a fucking rifle.”

“Whoa,” he laughs. “Chill the fuck out, babe. It was just a little fun.”

“Fun for who?” I question, feeling a little guilty because, deep, deep down, he means well. “I’m sorry, but screwing around at the back of some random party isn’t exactly my idea of fun. I was drunk. I would have been up for anything.”

He pulls on my elbow again. “Come on. I’ll make it up to you and I promise, no more hickeys.”

I go to pull free again when Spencer is grabbed from behind and thrown against the lockers on the other side of the hallway. Students scream and scramble to get out of Noah’s way as he pins Spencer up against the lockers with a hand held at his throat, reminding us all who the fucking pack leader is around here. “You put those fucking marks on her?” Noah demands. “What were you trying to do? Claim her as your own? Make her look like some kind of used slut?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance