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I pull the black tank over my head and cringe at how low it sits over my tits. It’s completely showing them off. I’m confident enough to admit I have nice boobies, they’re full and perky, but I’m not exactly one to show them off.

I slam the locker door and pick up my wet clothes off the bench before marching out of the locker room, pleased that I was able to salvage my look for the day. My jeans are still soaking, but unless anyone actually touches them, they won’t be able to tell.

My body shivers from being in cold, wet clothes all morning and until the sun really has a chance to warm this green earth, I’m going to have to deal with it, and hope my classrooms for the day have turned on the heating.

I trudge up the hallway, hating the feel of my wet socks in my boots. I get to my own locker and put in the combination before opening the door and throwing my wet clothes in the bottom. I put my bag up top and am just pulling out my books for my first class when a voice calls from down the hallway. “Get to homeroom, Henley.”

I glance down the hall to see a scowling Mr. Jacobs, my extremely frustrating Calculus teacher. He’s a douche, just like most of the guys around here. Not to mention, he’s having an affair with the librarian while his wife struggles at home with their newborn twins. He’s a real winner.

I salute Lord Douche and turn my back on him, slamming my locker closed in the process.

I tuck my books under my arm and head down to homeroom, knowing I’m only going to be in there for a few minutes before the bell rings for our first class of the day.

Pushing through the door, every eye turns in my direction and naturally, I ignore all of them. I walk forward and without a word, slide the pink detention slip off Miss Jameson’s desk, not bothering to look up to see the scowl on her face.

I find my desk, drop my books down beside me, and take a seat before leaning back and sticking my legs out and crossing them at the ankle under the chair of Rebecca Limwits in front of me.

If only I had some headphones right now.

As I wait for the bell, I work on tearing the little pink detention slip into tiny little pieces. School stinks. Believe it or not, I actually used to enjoy coming to school. I used to have friends. I used to love that the guy who held my heart was here, not that he ever knew… or well, if he did, he never acted on it.

Kaylah and Jackson Millington. They were my life. My support system, until they were nothing.

Kaylah was my best friend. We were friends since we were kids and that friendship only grew as we did. Every secret I had, every problem, every thought was shared between us. We were just that close. Hell, I considered her a sister. The added bonus…she had a brother. A damn sexy one. A brother who, still to this day is the only guy I’ve ever wanted.

Jackson Millington, quarterback. He was the star of Haven Falls Private. He was a bad boy. He raced. Every girl wanted him. He was just…everything. Until he wasn’t.

Kaylah and I used to joke about all the girls constantly fawning over him, and to be honest, we used to get bullied like you wouldn’t believe. We were the girls who got to be close to him. We got what they all wanted and for that, they hated us. We were bullied and teased, but we had the protection of Jackson and the rest of the football team.

The three of us had an inseparable bond, the only downfall was that he thought of me as a little sister. I hated it. It killed me to watch him dating and whoring around. What I wanted most in this world was for him to think of me as…more.

Things changed.

For just one night, he didn’t think of me as a little sister. I was more. We were both drinking and Kaylah was home sick. He had taken me home to his place as my dad was home and would have killed me if I’d stumbled through the door smelling like a bar. I don’t know what had happened from there, but something did. He kissed me and it was incredible. One thing led to the another and before I knew it, we were crashing down onto his bed where I finally felt what it was like to be with Jackson Millington.

It was incredible.

His body moving against mine. He was gentle with me, knowing it was my first time. It was sweet and sexy at the same time.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance