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“Oh, my god,” I groan to myself as I feel the heat of Noah’s eyes piercing into me. “If you really must know, it’s all about flow.”

Rivers face scrunches up as a horrified expression settles in. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“Google it,” I tell him.

His brows pull down before a wicked grin spreads across his face. “Do you chicks get off putting these things in?” he questions, going back to inspecting the tampon.

Tully sticks her head back out of the kitchen. “Why don’t you shove one up your ass and let me know how it feels. Though I have a feeling you’ll like it.”

Noah shakes his head and groans at his sister. “I thought you two were going to knock this shit off.”

“I thought I asked you not to park in the middle of the drive,” she fires back at him.

“I thought you-”

“Fuck me,” I groan, cutting them off. “Shut up. You two are like babies.” I turn to Noah. “You need to leave your sister the hell alone, and you,” I say, turning on Tully. “You need a fucking muzzle.”

“What?” she shrieks. “Me? What about him?”

I rake my hands over my face as Noah chuckles to himself, pleased to be getting under his sister’s skin. “What kind of bullshit did you drag me into here?”

Tully scoffs, but the pride is strong in her tone. “You love me,” she declares before disappearing back into the kitchen with Rivers getting up to follow her.

I make my way down the hall and barge into Tully’s room, dumping my things on her desk and making the executive decision that I’ll be watching the third ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ movie whether the boys like it or not.

I have a feeling Tully will have no issue with it, besides, what else are we supposed to do? No one in Haven Falls believes in spending their time on homework, the mall was raided by the cops last week so nothing is really going on there, the beach is probably crowded, and it’s not like there are any races on tonight.

So, movie it is while Rivers complains about having to watch it again, though he’ll probably just fall asleep on the couch while Tully discreetly paints his toenails and Noah makes any excuse in the book to move closer to me, but I have a feeling I won’t be complaining.

As I search through her stack of DVDs for a little Mr. Grey, I spot a photo frame sitting upon her desk of the twins walking down the sidewalk with Lily between them, holding hands. The image breaks my heart and even though the picture is of their backs, it’s clear how much Tully and Noah loved her.

I hear the sound of Tully’s bedroom door open and I find myself placing the frame back down and grabbing the movie, not wanting to pry on what was clearly a private family moment. But damn, that photo showcases just how much Noah loved his little sister. They must have been best friends and I don’t doubt that he would have been shredded to pieces when she passed away.

I look back over my shoulder to see Noah leaning against the closed door watching me. “Is there something you need?” I ask him, playing hard to get as I turn back to the movies and let my fingers curl around the Kindle on the desk before me.

Noah pushes off the door and walks towards me, making those damn butterflies resurface in my stomach as desire hits me like a ton of bricks.

Good God, I want him so bad.

Noah steps up behind me and I close my eyes at the satisfaction that comes with his hands claiming my hips. I straighten myself up again and have to resist smiling like a fool while trying to remember that I’m the ‘don’t give a shit about anything’ version of myself unlike the ‘swoon over everything’ girl I used to be.

Noah’s fingers press into the skin of my hips and I slowly turn, putting us face to face with only intense desire between us. I mean, if he can’t feel this too, then he’s crazy.

His eyes become hooded and I know it’s only a matter of seconds before he kisses me, and holy hell, I want that kiss so badly.

He leans in and I bring myself even closer. My chin raises and I feel his warm breath against my lips.

So close.

He goes to close the distance, and in this moment, my world is complete.

His lips brush over mine and before he can truly press them against mine and give in to this wild craving, I slam the Kindle against his chest. “Did you think it was really going to be that easy?” I ask as the grin begins to spread. “You need to fix this.”

Noah grins right back at me as I pull away. He takes the Kindle from my hands and shakes his head. “That was brutal.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance