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I bring my hand up and press it against his wide chest before pushing him back a step. “If you think you have even the slightest chance of getting with me, you’re seriously disturbed.”

“Come on, babe,” he says. “I promise, I’ll make it worth your time.”

“No thanks, Spencer. I’d rather gouge my eyes out with rusty nails.”

He laughs as though the insult doesn’t affect him. “Your loss.”

“Quit while you’re behind, Spence,” Tully says before taking my hand and hauling me away with a jerk, making me spill my drink once again. It’s a good thing Tully has the refill on hand because, at this rate, I’m going to need it sooner rather than later.

“Why didn’t you tell me what he did?” she seethes over the loud music as she pulls me out the back door to where people are crowding the backyard. “I would have done something about it.”

“I’m not some kind of charity. I can handle this shit on my own,” I tell her. “And besides, you’re the first girl who’s talked to me in months. Why would I start off with ‘the school jock is a douchebag?’”

She lets out a groan. “You should have told me.”

“You should have told me that something went down between you and Spencer,” I fight back, throwing the attention on her.

Her eyes widen. “What? How did you… never mind.”

“Spill it,” I tell her as I spot somewhere for us to sit down.

Tully waits until we’re happily seated and without the ears of people nearby before she comes out with her hard truth. “Spence and I…” cringe. “We sort of dated over the summer, but don’t tell Noah. He’ll kill me if he found out. He and Spencer aren’t exactly on great terms.”

“What?” I shriek. “Are you kidding? Why the hell would you date Spencer Jones?”

“Believe it or not, but he’s actually a really nice guy. He’s just a little too caught up in the whole ‘appearing as a typical jock’ to be popular.”

“Bullshit,” I grunt.

“No, really. He’s sweet and mostly has a kind heart. He can just be a little stupid when he drinks and lets his friends get in his ear.”

“Ok,” I laugh. “I’ll have to take your word for it because I don’t really care to spend time with the guy to find out.”

“Good plan,” she tells me. “The guy has a way with words to make any girl believe she wants him.”

“Yeah, I have a feeling his usual bullshit won’t work on me.”

“Just remember I warned you.”

“And you remember that I brushed you off.”

Tully shakes her head and refills my cup with Vodka. “Come on,” she tells me. “Throw that back and then we’re dancing all freaking night.”

Chapter 8

Tully and I sway on the dance floor and I’m more than happy to report that my old friend Vodka is working its magic through my body and helping me forget that my life is a complete and utter mess.

The music pulses around me and the fact that I’m surrounded by people who have tormented me over the past few years is completely lost on me. I don’t give a shit that they’re here partying with me. All that matters is the way my body moves across the dance floor as I lose myself to the music.

This is perfect. It’s exactly what I’ve been needing over the past few months. The fact that I’m doing it with someone I call a friend just makes it that much better. Tully laughs and by now, she’s forgotten that she was supposed to be driving and is just as lost to Vodka as I am, which probably means we’ll be walking back to her place tonight, but that’s fine by me. All it means is that our fun can be prolonged that much more.

I bark out a laugh as Tully fucks up a dance move that has her falling on her face and eating dirt. I go to reach down and help her up when a shoulder is charged into mine, throwing me back a step as pain pulses through my shoulder. “What do you think you’re doing here?” Queen bitch Candice questions as Tully gets herself up behind her.

“You don’t belong here,” Monica finishes for her as though the two of them couldn’t possibly confront someone by themselves.

“I might not belong here, but I know for a fact that you two don’t,” I shoot back. “The whorehouse is down the road. They don’t usually take trash like you two, but I’m sure they’ll make an exception for the kinds of tricks you guys like to offer. Two for the price of one?” I say, referring to the rumor that’s going around school for the last few days that subtly suggests the two of them got down and dirty with Eric Johnston in the locker room.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance