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“Uh huh,” I laugh before he jogs off towards the student parking lot where I notice Rivers joining him.

My stomach grumbles and I make my way into the cafeteria, desperate for something to eat. Though, if I was smart, I would have brought myself a sandwich or something a little more enticing than the cafeteria food.

As I step through the door, the two bitches in front of me instantly turn and force me into the corner of the cafeteria, hidden mostly by the big double doors. “Listen, Bitch,” Monica starts, getting in my face and deciding to take point on this one. Though, it’s not the first time she’s been in my face and I’m sure as hell it won’t be the last. “Consider this your warning. Noah is mine and I don’t like filth like you moving in on him. So, understand this now, he’s not interested in you. You’re like some kind of pity project to him. Move along.”

“You done?” I question, pushing off the wall and getting right back in her face. “Noah came to me. Noah was the one who stepped in yesterday. Noah was the one who took me back to his place and Noah was the one who broke up with you. So, why don’t you understand this – he’s done with you.”

Her face flames and I push a little more. “You’re old news. It’s just a matter of time before you make your way through all the guys in school, and guess what? No one wants an old, used up whore, and that’s all they see you as.”

Her hand pulls up and barrels towards my face, but I’ve been here before. It’s the only move she’s got.

I pull back and catch her wrist in my hand before punching out and getting her right in the gut, instantly winding her. If I was outside of school, I probably would have followed it up with an ass whooping, but for being inside the school grounds, this will have to do. Besides, it’s enough to let her know who’s got the upper hand here.

Monica straightens herself up and I slam her hand back into her chest, pushing her back a few steps. “Next time come a little more prepared,” I tell her.

I step away, sure that Monica and Candice are gawking after me. I mean, they’ve both given me the occasional slap for speaking out of line, but I’ve never quite fought back like that, and to be honest, it felt good.

Tully barrels into me, catching me by the shoulders. “Shit, are you okay?” she questions with her eyes roaming over me. “That was a dangerous move you just made.”

“Tell me about it,” I agree.

“You’ve just put a massive target on your back.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Is it any different from the one I placed there yesterday?” I laugh. “Now, what’s to eat? I’m starving.”

Tully lets out a sigh and shakes her head. “I knew senior year was going to exciting.”

“It’s only just begun.”

Chapter 7

I’ve been here every night this week and I love it. Noah and Tully’s place is quickly becoming my own. They welcomed me in like family and neither of them has let me leave. Especially Noah after Tully filled him in on the ass whooping I handed out on Wednesday. Rivers though, while he’s welcoming, there’s still something there. Something uneasy.

Noah’s parents, Violet and Eddison, are freaking awesome. They don’t give a shit that I’ve become part of the furniture and they completely go out of their way to make me feel comfortable. When Tully blurted out that I was all alone at home for the week, Violet insisted on me staying over and when I ensured her that I was alright, she then insisted on sending Eddison over to make sure my house was locked up properly at night. Like I said, I’m part of the furniture now and I’m loving it.

Hell, yesterday I tried to go home so I could get a few chores done and Noah was there not a moment later, kidnapping me and dragging me back to his place. I’d like to say that I went kicking and screaming, but let’s be real, I practically dove head first through the window of his Camaro and impatiently waited for him to walk around the front of the car.

Apparently, the whole school is talking about it. I hadn’t realized at the time but when at least one person is witness to the queens of Haven Falls being put in their place, word seems to travel, like fast, and they’re not happy about it.

I stand in Tully’s room, staring at myself in the mirror as she rifles through her closet, pulling out little black dress after little black dress and hauling them across the room at me. “What about this one?” she asks, pulling out another.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance