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He drops down and leans back in the chair, shooting his long legs out under the desk and well and truly invading the space of the girl in front. “Are you really surprised?” I question.

He chuckles as he shakes his head. “Not in the least,” he says. “What crime did you commit?”

Miss Jameson’s voice rings loudly from the front of the room. “Do I need to remind you two that you are currently serving a lunchtime detention? Keep your mouths closed or you’ll find yourselves back in here tomorrow.”

Noah’s grin seems to widen as he silently chuckles to himself. I see in his eyes that he’s more than ready to continue this conversation, but something is holding him back. Perhaps he doesn’t want to risk getting me in trouble? I don’t know, but either way, I’m grateful. I’m not exactly thrilled about having a conversation with him as the rest of the students listen in.

Noah grabs his phone and I go for the Kindle while finding that strange comfort in sitting beside him which I found on the couch yesterday.

How does he do this?

The door opens and this time, I couldn’t give a shit who’s come to detention. Only, I probably should have looked up considering the fact that the person comes to a stop right beside me as a frustrated groan comes from my other side.

An irritating voice clears and I glance up, bypassing the tiniest skirt I’ve ever seen. Monica crosses her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow, giving me a look that I’ve come to recognize as the one the bitchy girls use to get their way. This one, in particular, is the ‘get the hell out of my seat so I can sit beside my boyfriend’ glare.

When I don’t move, she clears her throat again.

“Is there a frog in your throat?” I question, glancing up at her and feigning concern as the comment makes my stomach drop with the realization that I forgot to feed my goldfish, Frog, this morning. I’ll have to give the guy a little extra attention when I get home. “You should go get yourself a drink of water.”

Noah smothers a laugh, probably dreading the shit she’ll give him for that later as she glares down at me. “You’re in my seat,” Monica demands.

My eyes widen in mock horror. “Oh, gosh. Really?” I gasp. “I didn’t realize. Let me just go out of my way so the princess can get whatever the fuck she wants.”

Monica scowls down at me. “You better move,” she says trying to appear terrifying, though she should know that shit doesn’t work on me.

“Or what?” I question as Noah casually puts his arm over the back of my seat as if to say he’d rather sit by me. “You’ll try to pull out my hair like Candice did yesterday? You’ll taunt me? Tease me? Drag my name through the mud? Well, guess what? Your little antics don’t work on me. So, I suggest you go and find somewhere else to park your ass before you really start to piss me off.”

Monica clenches her jaw as she sucks in a hard breath. I watch her hands clenching into fists at her side before she raises her eyes over my head at Noah. “Come on,” she says. “We’ll sit up front.”

I look back over at Noah who glances at me then back to Monica. “Nah,” he says. “I’m good here.”

“Are you serious, right now?” she shrieks.

“Monica,” Miss Jameson reprimands. “Take a seat and make it fast.”

She lets out a loud huff before storming away and falling down into her chair, making a point that she’s damn pissed right now.

“Fuck me,” Noah murmurs under his breath, astonished by her attitude. If she was my kid…damn, I don’t even know what I’d do.

I glance across at Noah to find one of those sexy half smirks that boys do and the butterflies instantly start swirling around my stomach. I try my best to pulverize them. I can’t be crushing on Noah. He’s hot, flirty, and fun, but I don’t want to ruin it by crushing on him. The last time that happened, World War Three almost broke out.

I roll my eyes and glance back to the front of the room. “You’re seriously disturbed to have dated her for so long.”

“Tell me about it,” he grumbles before Miss Jameson looks back up at us with a warning deep in her eyes.

I zip my lips. I’m all for spending another detention beside Noah, but perhaps it would be better doing it outside of a stuffy classroom where his ex isn’t glaring daggers at me.

My phone buzzes in the back pocket of my skinny jeans and I do my best to raise my ass off the chair and slide the phone out of the too tight fabric. I unlock my phone to find a text message and my brows instantly pull down in confusion.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance