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Damn. I should get out of here before it’s too late. It’s like walking into the lions’ den.

“Shit,” Noah groans, letting out a frustrated breath as he walks in with me following behind him. “They’re always at each other’s throats.”

We walk into what must be one of the biggest homes in Haven Falls to find none other than Tully Cage two seconds from tearing Noah’s best friend, Rivers, in two. “Babe,” Rivers laughs. “What did you just call your pussy?”

Tully’s face flames as Noah’s voice sounds out. “Knock it off,” he tells them. “We have company.”

Both Rivers and Tully’s eyes snap to mine making it clear that ‘company’ is not something they usually have. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of people being invited over here, you know, except for the massive parties they have every now and then.

Rivers looks up and down my body, his eyes narrowing further the longer he looks; making me feel like some kind of leech who’s just walked through the door trying to attach myself to Noah. Within two seconds, he’s made it clear that I’m not welcome.

Tully on the other hand flicks her eyes between me and Noah, probably wondering why the hell some girl is standing in her doorway and why he felt the need to drag me in.

I can’t help but take her in. She’s like a girl version of her brother, long brown hair, stunning green eyes, and gorgeous sunkissed skin. She’s just like him minus all the tattoos, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a few hiding in places that only she would ever know about.

She looks as sweet as anything, but I know, hiding deep within her, is a caged lion, a Mumma bear ready to pounce on any kind of threat that comes to her and her boys.

I’ve only been standing here for a blink of an eye, but it’s already enough to know that the tensions are riding high. I’m an outsider and the next few seconds are going to dictate a hell of a lot.

“Henley,” Tully smiles moving forward and surprising the hell out of me that she knows who I am. “I heard you got Noah with a spaghetti bomb. Are you ok? Those bitches can be hard work.”

I briefly glance across at Noah before settling back on his twin sister, assuming I’m supposed to just go with the flow on her forwardness. “Umm, yeah. I’m fine,” I tell her. “I’m ready to go back and finishing kicking their asses.”

Tully rolls her eyes as Rivers continues standing silently, watching me like a hawk with an intense darkness settling over him, reminding me of the company I’m currently standing in front of. I must have forgotten that these were the most feared people in Haven Falls. What the hell am I doing here? “Tell me about it. Candice and Monica are fucking whores.”

“Wait,” I say. “You don’t like Monica? I thought you guys were tight because, well, you know, she’s with your brother.”

Noah groans. “Past tense,” he reminds me. “We’re not together anymore.”

“Dude,” Rivers says as he walks out of the living room into what I’m assuming is the kitchen while giving Noah the side eye, clearly still not very impressed that he brought me in here. “You two are always together, even when you’re not.”

“Get fucked,” Noah grunts back at him as we hear the sound of the fridge opening and closing.

Tully draws my attention back. “I’ve never liked Monica. She’s so fake. It’s all a show she puts on so people think she’s the perfect girlfriend with the perfect relationship. When she’s here, she practically locks herself in Noah’s room and doesn’t talk to anyone.”

“Really?” I question as things finally start to make sense. I turn to Noah. “Why the hell would you date someone like that?”

He looks at me as though I’m crazy. “Ummmm….have you seen her?” he asks. “She’s fucking hot.”

I scoff as Rivers walks out of the kitchen with a soda. “She also has incredible tits.”

Noah spins around to face Rivers. “How the fuck would you know?”

“Dude,” he laughs as though he’s proud of himself. “That girl is fucking horny. She walked out here butt naked the other week and tried to screw me on the couch.”

“What?” Noah questions.

Rivers continues. “Do you have any idea how hard it was not to touch her? I mean, if you guys weren’t together, I would have slammed her into the wall and fucked her until she was seeing stars.”

“Man,” Noah scoffs, shaking his head, “thanks for telling me.”

“Sorry, man. I completely forgot until now. Besides, what does it matter? You guys are over. It was the middle of the night and I was dead asleep.” Rivers turns to Tully and winks. “I actually thought it was you finally coming to your senses.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance