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I shake it out of my head. What does it matter anyway? Noah Cage is just some guy, who after graduation, I’ll never see again. What does it matter if my body reacts to his touch? What does it matter that he’s probably the most attractive guy I’ve ever met? He’s probably a douchebag heartbreaker just like the rest of them. Besides, he’s only here to make a point to Monica about their trip to SplitsVille and cement the target on my back.

He’s not interested in me. I’m a loser. A nobody. A pawn to use in his twisted games.

I scurry away, trying not to think about how much the thought bothers me. I search out some bowls and grab a couple of cans of soda from the fridge, hoping he’ll eat quickly and get the hell out of here.

Ten minutes later, Noah is dishing up a huge serving into each bowl, despite me arguing that my stomach literally can’t hold that much and reminding him that I’ll most likely not like it anyway. He scoffs and continues dishing it up.

I slide my bowl across the table and take a seat behind it on the stool before looking down at the chili noodles with a cringe.

This is not going to go well.

“What are you waiting for?” Noah asks, taking a seat on the stool beside me and cracking open his soda.

I let out a breath and ignore the prying eyes beside me. I guess it’d be rude to not eat it after he went to the effort to drive me home, fix the truck, and cook me lunch. So, with no other choice, I take my fork and dig in, praying that the chili doesn’t burn a hole in my esophagus.

I lift the fork to my lips and the second the noodles hit my taste buds, I melt.

It’s fucking heaven.

The guy must be some kind of modern prince charming. He ticks all the boxes that every woman around the globe is searching for. I always thought finding the perfect man was some kind of joke. It couldn’t be possible, yet here we are.

He’s funny, he calls me out on my bullshit while managing to somehow make me smile, he’s unbelievably good looking, and he has that whole ‘dangerous bad boy’ vibe. He’s perfect.

Only that couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth. Noah Cage is untouchable.

I must be insane. While I’ve been going to school with the guy for the past few years, today was the first time I’ve ever spoken to him. What the hell do I know?

Yep. Definitely insane.

“Well?” he questions.

I glance over and notice that he hasn’t started eating yet and is caught up watching me, waiting for my inevitable downfall. I roll my eyes and can’t help the smile from spreading across my face. “It’s not that bad.”

Triumph flashes in his eyes before he digs his fork into the noodles. “What did I tell you, Spitfire?” he says with that signature cocky attitude. “Everything is better with chili.”

With that, he leaves me to eat in peace and before I know it, I’m cleaning up the dishes and shoving his shirt into his arms, silently begging him to put it on before I throw myself at him. “Put your shirt back on, Romeo.”

“Romeo?” he laughs, feigning ignorance as though he doesn’t realize that he’s been a complete flirt all afternoon.

I start ushering him towards the front door, making sure he collects his keys on the way. “Well, um… thanks,” I say rather awkwardly as I try to shoo him out the door. “I guess, thanks for the ride and fixing the truck.”

“Why does it sound like you’re trying to get rid of me?” he questions with a sparkle in his green eyes.

“Ahhh, because I am.”

“I told you, I’m going to introduce you to Tully. Grab your shit.”

“Seriously?” I groan. “I thought we covered this. I don’t do friends.”

“And I thought you understood that I don’t give a shit. That was a bullshit excuse and you know it. Besides, Tully could use a friend too.”

“Damn it,” I grumble under my breath, resisting rolling my eyes as he calls me out on my shit once again, but the second he said that Tully could use a friend, I couldn’t say no. I mean, he’s shown me kindness today, why the hell can’t I do the same for him. “Fine.”

I grab my phone off the kitchen counter and before I know it, I’m locking up the house and allowing him to drag me to his car for the second time this afternoon.

Chapter 5

“I swear to God, Rivers,” a voice is shrieked as Noah opens the front door of his home. “If your Willy Wonka comes anywhere near my vaginamite, I’m going to strangle you until your eyes pop out of your skull.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance