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Nate – Babe, don’t forget to call Davies and Knight. Hope you’re having a good day.

Tora – OH SHIT!!!!! I’ll call them now. I’m having the best day. Thank you. I love you so much.

Nate – Love you too. Don’t be late!

I look down at the message and read it over before reading it again. Don’t be late? What is he talking about? I try to think over our night together and remember if I agreed to go somewhere tonight, but nothing comes to mind.

Tora – Late for what?

I wait patiently, but nothing comes which only serves to frustrate me. I need answers and it’s clear I’m not going to get any right now.

I let out a huff and put it to the back of my mind. I can quiz him on it tomorrow. For now, I need to call Davies and Knight.

I take my seat with the hair stylist and get my hair done into a nice updo with curls and more pins than I’ve ever seen in my life as I make one of the most nerve-racking calls of my life. As soon as that’s done, I get ready for makeup.

By the time we’re all done, each of the girls look absolutely stunning. They’re all dressed up with their hair done nice and makeup looking flawless. We thank the makeup artist and hair stylist before sending them on their way.

There’s only another hour or so before the sun begins to set and I realize it’s about time we figure out where the hell we’re going to go tonight. I start googling idea’s as Brooke throws suggestions at me from across the room.

Brooke’s phone buzzes on the coffee table and she darts across the room as though her life depends on it. She scoops it up and reads over her text with a beaming smile. “Geez,” I laugh. “Maxen better not be sexting you right now.”

She looks up from her phone and slides it into her back pocket. “He’s not,” she grins. “But it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if he was.”

Brooke hurries off and I get back to searching for a restaurant. I finally find something that all six of us would agree on when Brooke’s voice cuts through my concentration.

“Hey, Tora?” she questions nervously.

I look up at the tone of her voice to find her placing a massive box down on the counter, one that I have never seen before and one that I know for a fact she didn’t walk in with this morning. “What’s that?” I ask, getting up off the couch and curiously making my way across the room.

My eyes rake over the fanciest looking box as Brooke begins to explain. “This is Nate’s final surprise of the day.”

“What is it?” I ask, straightening up as a desperate need to see what’s inside shoots through me.

“Don’t shoot the messenger,” She says as she begins to peel open the box to reveal the most stunning wedding dress I’ve ever seen. In fact, it’s the one that always catches my eye in the window of the Broken Hill bridal store.

“Is that…?”

“Congratulations,” Brooke says with a nervous smile as the girls begin to beam. “It’s your wedding day.”

I blink back, making sure I heard her correctly.

My wedding day?

Suddenly the pampering, the hair, makeup, and nails all makes sense.

Holy shit.

I’m going to kill him.

There’s another knock on the door and I open it a second later to see none other than my parents beaming smiles looking back at me. “I knew it,” mom laughs. “You’re freaking out.”

Chapter 7

Oh, fuck. What was I thinking?

She’s going to kill me. She’s going to castrate me and feed my balls to all the guests who dared to show up today without letting her in on the secret.

I can just see it now. She’ll appear at the end of the aisle, looking like an angel in the dress I know without a doubt she would have chosen herself. She’ll walk towards me with the sweetest innocence for the people sitting on either side of the aisle, she’ll smile and take in all the pure perfection of the day, but the second those beautiful eyes lock on mine, they’ll promise nothing but a slow, agonizingly painful death.


I should have run this by her before springing a fucking surprise wedding on her. What the hell was I thinking?

It’s all wrong.

She would have wanted to go dress shopping with her mom and her friends. She would have wanted to pick out the flowers, pick the table settings, and the music she’d walk down the aisle to. I fucking stole those experiences from her because I was too damn selfish and couldn’t wait a few more fucking months.

She’s going to hate me. What a fucked up way to start a marriage. Hell, she’s probably too fucking pissed off to even show up.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance