Page 43 of Come Back for You

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“What?” I say, exasperated. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I start to get itchy.

“Is it hot in here?” I open the window in the kitchen.

“Whitley.” He says and I hear it in his voice. He knows.

“Shit,” I say, and he chuckles. “Who told you? Was it Lex?” He shakes his head. “Was it my mama?”

“Jensen.” He says, raising an eyebrow at me. “Now tell me, how is it that your ex-boyfriend knew before your husband that you’re pregnant?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I don’t know what you’re insinuatin’ but you should choose your words carefully, Dean.” I snap, crossing my arms over my chest. “I went to Indigo and Leaf’s to get a coffee, decaf obviously. Well, the smell of the weed they were smokin’ in the back room made me nauseous. I made it out the door and to the planter on the sidewalk before I threw up. Derrick happened to be headed into the coffee shop as I was tossin’ my cookies in their Azalea’s.” Not one of my finer moments, but they should really warn a person before they light up. His shoulders shake with laughter as he makes his way towards me.

“It’s not funny!” I snap as he pulls me into his chest, rubbing his hands up and down my back.

“I thought we were done havin’ babies,” he says, and I sigh.

“I’m forty years old, Dean. I thought we were done, too. How in the world am I gonna be nearly sixty when this one graduates?!” I say, hysterically. I am entirely too old to keep popping kids out. He squeezes me and tilts my chin up, pressing a kiss to my lips, effectively shutting me up. I press up on my toes, leaning in and deepening the kiss. This right here is how we keep ending up pregnant. I can’t ever keep my hands off this man, my husband. He slides his tongue into my mouth, and I whimper as he grips my ass in his hands. The front door banging open has Dean pulling back and dropping his forehead against mine.

“I brought tequilaaaaaaoh fuck, sorry!” Clarissa spins around when she sees us and faces the wall. “Carry on,” she says, and I snort while Dean growls.

“No no, you’re fine. All done.” I say and she turns around, making sure we are in fact done.

“Whew, okay. Everyone has pants on.” She makes her way around the kitchen, familiar with it because of how many times she’s been here, pulling three glasses out and lining them up on the counter. “I need a drink; it’s been a shit day.” She fills all three glasses up, handing one to Dean and sliding one towards me. I look at it, at her, and then back to Dean. Clarissa downs her shot and then looks at me.

“What are you waitin’ for?” She asks, looking from the glass to my face, realization hitting her. “Son of a bitch. AGAIN!?” She screeches, snatching my glass up and downing it. I bark out a laugh.

“Yes, again. Blame it on him for being so irresistible.” I nod my head towards Dean and Clarissa rolls her eyes.

“Have some self-control, woman,” she chides.

“Really, Riss? Already?” Lex asks as she enters the kitchen, sitting a casserole dish down on the counter and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Bite me, Lexi.” She spins on her heel and storms out the back door, hollering for the kids to come give her hugs. Lex lets out a heavy sigh, turning her attention to Ford who’s trailed in with a baby strapped to his front.

“I’m not sure that girl will ever grow up,” she says to Ford and he chuckles.

“So, I hear congratulations are in order.” Ford says and I throw my hands up, exasperated that everyone already knows.

“Oh my god, does everybody know?!” I ask, to nobody in particular.

“That you’re pregnant? Yes. Is this one finally going to be named after me?” Jaxson asks as he comes into the kitchen, tugging his wife behind him.

“No,” Dean says, shutting that shit down.

“Can we talk about somethin’ other than me being pregnant?” I busy myself at the counter while they all chat with each other. The rest of the crew eventually arrives, and we all end up on the patio while the kids run around the yard. Avery and Jaxson are in a heated debate with a throat clears from the doorway.

“Derrick, hey. Come on out,” I motion for him to join us and he gives me a polite smile.

“Thank you, but I can’t stay.” He flashes his badge on his belt, promoted to sergeant a few years back, he’s still with the Monroeville police department. His eyes cut to Clarissa. “Clarissa, a word please.”

“Nope.” She says, not even bothering to look his way. My lips curl into a grin.

“Oh my gosh, are you two…”

“Not anymore!” Clarissa snaps, cutting me off. Derrick lets out a heavy sigh and strides through the doorway, lifting her up and out of her chair and throwing her over his shoulder. “Put me down D or I swear I’ll shoot you with your own gun.” She pounds on his back.

“Baby, I think I’m safe. You’re a terrible shot.” He says, tipping his hat at us and slapping her on the butt. “Y’all enjoy your evening, Clarissa will be back shortly.” He disappears into the house with her over his shoulder and I glance at Lex who is just as confused as I am.

“Did you know they were an item?” I ask and she shakes her head.

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance