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I made my way back across town after dropping the kids off to my mother, who was visibly upset about Zander being called out again. Who knows how long he will be gone this time and that’s a hard thing for her to understand. It’s not long before I’m pulling into the driveway of Alexis’s little bungalow. Making my way up the porch, I raise my hand to knock, but the door swings open just before I can. Holy shit. I suck in a breath.

Lex looks hot as fuck in a little black dress. It’s cut just low enough to show the swell of her perky tits, and only long enough to brush mid-thigh. Short sleeves make it look more casual than dressy, her hair flowing around her shoulders in loose waves.

“Hey,” she breathes out, hitching a shoulder, “is this okay? I wasn’t sure where we were going. If it’s too dressy I can run back and change quick.” She hitches her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of her bedroom.

“No,” I growl out, sounding pained, “you look fucking fantastic, and if you go back to that room to change I’m sure as shit going to follow you and we won’t even make it to dinner.”

“Oh.. okay.” She squeaks out, her cheeks turning pink. “Let me just grab my purse.” She ducks out of view and comes back with a black purse dangling from her shoulder. She steps out to join me on the porch and pulls the door shut behind her, locking it up before we head out. I shove my hands in my pockets, so I don’t do something inappropriate, like reach over and rip her dress off of her before we even get to my truck. Opening the door for her, she hops into the passenger seat. I slam the door and round the front, getting in myself.

We make small talk on the way to the restaurant. She asks about my day with the kids and I tell her all about the six games of Candy Land that I lost and about my brother stopping by this morning.

“I’m so sorry,” she reaches across the center console of my truck and pats my thigh after I tell her about Zander shipping back out. I glance over at her and smile.

“Thanks. He will be home in a few months, driving me fucking insane again, I’m sure. Barging into my house and eating all of my food.” She laughs a little, shaking her head.

“I always wanted a sibling. You’re lucky. It was always just my mom and me.” She lays her head back against the headrest and gazes out the window at the passing scenery. I want to know everything about Alexis Carter. Who raised her, her favorite flower, what song she likes to sing in the shower, her favorite sexual position. But that’s neither here nor there, because now we are pulling into the parking lot of the Italian place that I made a reservation at and she’s nervously fidgeting with her purse, likely afraid that I’ll pry into her past. I want her to want to open up to me.

Coasting into a parking spot and tossing the truck into park, she starts to reach for her door handle.

“Ah, ah, ah,” I say, reaching out and squeezing her knee. “This is a date. Don’t you dare touch that door, I’m coming a

round to get it.” She smirks but holds her hand up in surrender. Jogging around to her side, I open her door and do a dramatic sweep with my hand. “M’lady,” I hold my hand out to help her down, all the while she’s smiling. I love seeing her look so happy. I’m starting to think I would do just about anything to see that smile.

We walk into the restaurant, fingers laced, our arms swinging back and forth between us like a couple of teenagers out on their first date instead of two grown-ass adults. I give the hostess our name and she tells us it will be just a couple of minutes, that they’re clearing our table. I pull us over to a quiet corner to wait, tucking Lex into my side. She sighs.

“Happy?” I ask her, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing her temple.

“Blissfully. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a first date. Truth be told, I thought I would be incredibly nervous. But you make it so easy.” While she’s talking, she’s fiddling with the buttons on my shirt. I capture her hand in mine and kiss her fingertips.

“Maybe you were just dating the wrong guys,” I quip. Something passes behind her eyes, something almost remorseful. She gives me a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Yeah. Maybe I was.” The hostess calls my name, breaking us out of our little bubble. We are definitely circling back to that conversation later. But for now, I’m gonna first-date the shit out of this woman.


Ford and I are currently splitting a piece of Tiramisu. This was by far the best first date I have ever been on and it wasn’t even over yet. I flip the fork over in my hands and lick the traces of cake off of it, closing my eyes and making a little humming noise in the back of my throat. I open my eyes and Ford is staring at me, his own eyes dark with desire. His fingers tense around his glass and I arch an eyebrow at him.

“You’re playing with fire, Alexis.” He grits out. Before I can respond, the waiter’s depositing the check and Ford's credit card back on the table and wishing us a good evening. Ford scribbles his signature and tosses some cash down for the tip before putting his card away and downing the rest of his whiskey. Scraping his chair back across the floor, he snatches my purse off my chair and helps me out of my seat. “Time to go,” he grounds out, dragging me along behind him.

Once we are outside and to his truck, he spins me around and presses me against it. I capture my bottom lip with my teeth, drawing his attention to my mouth.

“I’ve been thinking about kissing you all night,” he murmurs, dragging his knuckles down my cheek and across my jaw. I wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair.

“What are you waiting for, then?” There's no hesitation before his lips come crashing down on mine. We're all teeth clashing and tongues swirling as I grip his hair for balance, afraid if I let go my knees will give out. Ford James is making me swoon so fucking hard when I have no business swooning at all. I should be worried about my husband finding me and finishing what he started four years ago, but I can't focus on that when I have this man pressed against me and I'm rocking myself shamelessly against his cock, my panties wet with my arousal.

Just as I'm ready to tear his pants off and climb him like a fucking tree, he pulls back and I whimper at the loss of him. He presses his forehead to mine, breathing heavily.

“I know,” he pants out, trying to catch his breath. “I know. But our first time isn’t going to be in the parking lot of some restaurant. I need to get you home and get you naked, in that order.” Pressing a chaste kiss to my lips he takes a step back from me and opens the door, helping me up, but not before slapping my ass. And that's how I find myself riding home, with my panties damp, beard rash on my neck from where Ford was nipping and sucking on me, and a fine-as-fuck man in the seat next to me.


Fumbling through the front door of his house, my back crashes against the wall, stealing my breath. Ford prowls towards me, roughly gripping my hips with both hands and I pray there’s a mark left to remind me of this night. This man. These feelings.

Running his finger down the side of my neck and over my shoulder he tugs the strap of my dress down, doing the same with the other side until my chest is exposed, my lacy black bra the only thing covering my breasts. He runs his finger along the cup, where the edge of material meets my skin, causing a shiver to run through me. He roughly yanks the cup down exposing my breast. Leaning down, he sucks my nipple into his mouth and I arch up into him further as he takes a long pull, releasing me with a pop.

Stepping away from the door, I push him back a step and reach behind me, unlatching my bra, and it falls to the floor. Allowing my dress to fall all the way down to my ankles I cautiously step out of it leaving me exposed in nothing but my heels and my thong. Ford sucks in a breath.

“God, you’re fucking exquisite,” he rasps out as he reaches towards me. “I want-no-need to fuck you with nothing but those shoes on.”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance