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He pushes me forward and I fall into the arms of someone I’ve never met. He holds me up and I watch as Josh turns to leave. He stops in the doorway and looks back at me before indicating up. My eyes follow the movement and take in a camera. “Just like old times, hey?”

Just like that, the door closes behind him and I’m left in the clutches of fifteen boys I’ve never met before, all reaching out to touch me.

My mind is screaming to get away but my body isn’t responding.

My head spins. I need to sit down. I see a seat and I go to it, but all that makes me do is fall. Someone catches me. More hands on my body.

I feel lips against my neck.

A chuckle behind me.

I need water. I need to close my eyes. I need to lay down.

I need Nate.

Chapter 22


I pull up at the frat house just as Jesse’s Range Rover pulls in behind me. Just looking at the place it’s clear they don’t take care of it. There are empty bottles scattered all over the yard, the grass is dead in patches, probably from where guys piss all over it. There’s graffiti up the side of the house and not to mention, there’s a foul fucking smell coming from somewhere.

I fly out of my car and Jesse comes up beside me, just as I knew he would. Behind us, Maxen, Puck, and Tyson flank us, and for the first time, Jackson is right there too. The guys from the football team show up and storm up the path in our wake.

No one asks me about them, just accept it for what it is. We usually don’t allow people in on this shit. We handle business ourselves, but today is different. Today we could be facing down thirty guys. I know we’re fucking good, but we’re still human.

My girl is somewhere inside that house, I can feel it. She’d be terrified for what could happen. She could be locked in a room while some bastard touches her. She could be hurt. She could be crying. She could be screaming out for help, wondering why the hell no one is coming for her.

All I know is that not a damn thing is coming in between me and her. I’m getting her out of there if it’s the last thing I do. Then as soon as I know she’s safe. Josh Fucking Henderson is going down.

We fly up to the door and I can hardly think anymore. I’m not someone you want to mess with right now because I can guarantee, anyone who stands in my way is going down.

I bring my foot up and slam it into the door, splintering the wood before the door flies off its hinges. Without giving them another second of warning, we barge our way through the door.

Bodies are littering the house and it doesn’t take them long to notice the threat. They jump into action, most of them too drunk or high to put up a good fight. People come at us straight away, but I dodge and weave, letting the boys handle it.

I have one goal in mind and as soon as that goal is completed, I’ll be more than happy to put these fuckers in their place, but for now, sweet revenge will have to wait.

The boys stay right up behind me as I make my way deeper into the house. I realize it’s the football team who have taken on the majority of the douchebags in the house and realize it’s probably for the best. I don’t know what’s hiding behind each door but I do know that I want them at my back just in case.

As we pass a staircase, Tyson and Puck dart up it, covering the top level and doing a quick sweep, assuming that the bedrooms would most likely be empty during this time of the day.

I continue making my way around the bottom level. Maxen kicks in a bathroom door as Jesse calls out Tora’s name. Though the music is loud and I doubt she’d be able to hear a thing.

The bathroom is empty and is an absolute mess, so we move on. We pass an open living space which has two couples fucking. One on the couch and one spread wide over a pool table, not one bit of shame when they watch us pass.

Some of the football players catch up to us as we make our way to the end, coming to the very last door on the ground floor of the house.

As I bring my foot up, I distantly notice Tyson and Puck racing back down the stairs, neither of them with my girl in their arms.

I don’t hesitate for a second. My shoe slams into the locked door and the wood caves like a fucking bitch. The door comes straight off the hinges, splintering into tiny pieces from the force.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance