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I hear rustling in the background and knowing how fucking scared she would be, has me pushing myself faster. Harder. I need to get to her.

I swear to any fucking god that’s out there if that fucker harms even a single hair on her beautiful head, I’m going to end him once and for all.

As I drop down into my Camaro, more rustling sounds before the line goes completely dead.


Pure panic overwhelms me as thoughts I’ve never dared to think start circling my mind. I have to get to her. Something screams inside my head that he’s got her. What if she couldn’t get away? What if he hurts her? What if he tries the same bullshit as he tried last year and I can’t get to her in time?

I peel out of my shop faster than I’ve ever driven on any track and race towards our place. I think back to what Tora was saying on the phone and remember her telling me Maxen was there with Brooke.

Within a second, I bring up his number and hit call.

The phone rings out and goes to voicemail, and at that moment, I’ve never wanted to hate my cousin more. I could strangle his neck right now and not give it a second thought. Choosing a fucking pussy over answering my call. If he wasn’t so consumed with Brooke, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Tora wouldn’t have felt the need to abandon her home and put herself at risk like that. She wouldn’t be terrified and she sure as hell wouldn’t be fighting to save herself.

I get to our home in about four minutes and narrowly avoid hitting the house as I race my car into the drive. Tora’s car is still parked on the side of the street and I don’t miss the smashed glass and crumpled metal of her phone on the sidewalk.

I hurry up the path to the front door and slam through it. “Tora?” I yell frantically as I find Brooke and Maxen about to start fucking on the couch. They both gasp as I intrude on their special little moment. Brooke hastily covers her tits while Maxen looks as though he’s about to tear me apart for interrupting.

The look in my eye has them both shutting the fuck up. “Is Tora here?”

“What?” Max grunts. “She just left.”

Realization hits me like a bullet to the chest.

She couldn’t get away.

“Why aren’t you answering your fucking phone?” I roar. “Josh just took Tora from out the front and you were too fucking busy getting your dick wet to keep her safe.” Brooke’s eyes widen in fear as they both spring to their feet. I throw myself back out the door and yell over my shoulder. “Call the boys. I want every mother fucker out there looking for her.”

I drop back down in my car and try to work out where the hell he would have taken her. I come up blank. I have no idea where the fucker lives and no idea who the hell he’s been hanging out with.

All I know is that football was once his life, so that’s where I’m starting.

I reverse out of the drive and punch the gas until I’m flying down the street, heading towards one of the many houses that the football team rent from the college.

I call Jesse on the way, and thankfully my brother is smart enough to answer the fucking phone when I call. “What’s up?” he yawns.

“It’s Tora,” I say, getting straight to the point. “Josh took her. I need you here.”


I hear him getting up and racing around. “Where do you want me?”

“Don’t know yet. Just start heading this way,” I tell him as I speed around the corner and head straight through a red light, getting honked by pissed off drivers. “We take him down once and for all.”

“I’ll call the boys.”

I hang up, not bothering to tell him that Max already is. The more calls that are placed, the better the chance is of getting to my girl and making that fucker pay.

No one touches my girl and gets away with it.

I pull up at a house that I only know of due to the many parties held here every few weeks. I could have gone down to Jackson’s place, but I know he’s out and it’s further away. I want answers now, and I won’t stop until I get them.

I barge my way into the house and four guys sitting around a PlayStation jump to their feet, ready to take defense to any threat of their home. “What the fuck?” some dude in a yellow shirt demands, taking lead. “You can’t just barge your way in here.”

“The fuck I can’t,” I growl, ready and willing to knock this fucker out if he doesn’t give me what I want.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance