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“Nah,” Nate grunts. “Still got a bit to do.”

Jesse looks over the car as I jump down from the hood and meet Kaylah’s gaze. ‘Sorry,’ she mouths.

I shrug as I walk over to her. “Don’t be,” I say, watching how Nate instantly puts Jesse to work. “He’s all wound up which means a very exciting night for me.”

She laughs. “I should have known you’d find the good in Nate getting cockblocked.”

“There’s always good when it comes to Nate,” I smile.

We watch the boys work for a while as we chat about how Jesse is dominating Broken Hill High. Apparently, as Kaylah is putting it, he’s like Nate on steroids. Everything gets run by him and nothing happens in his school that he doesn’t know about. Tyson is loving all the added attention, not that he wasn’t getting it before, but now he’s getting attention from every female in the school, including the unavailable ones. More so than what he would have expected because Jesse is taken, leaving him as the only available bad boy for the girls to sink their claws into. After seeing the way Tyson likes to party, I can assure anyone that he’s in his element.

“So,” I say to Kaylah, realizing she’s taken over my position in the school. “You’re the top bitch to watch out for at Broken Hill High now.”

“Yeah,” she groans, pushing her blonde hair back over her shoulder. “I don’t know how you did it. I can’t stand all the attention.”

“Really? Didn’t you get all that attention at your old school?”

“No,” she scoffs. “I was a nobody at Haven Falls. Me and my friend, Henley, just blended in with everyone else. Here, it’s like a completely different world.”

“I bet,” I laugh as I check the time and realize that I should probably start heading out if I intend on getting a new outfit before meeting Brooke. “You’ll get used to it eventually. It’s only the second week in.”

“Hope so.”

I walk forward and intercept Nate as he reaches for some big ass looking tool. “I have to go,” I tell him. “I need to head back home and get redressed, thanks to you.”

“You’re welcome,” he grins, purposefully grabbing my ass to leave two greasy hand prints behind before ducking his head to kiss me once again. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Can’t wait.”

Nate winks and a flush starts rising on my cheeks. Mmmm, yeah, I really can’t wait.

I walk back out to my R8 and not half an hour later, Brooke and I are sitting out by the athletic buildings, watching all the man-meat pass by. We watch with interest as a few guys on the swim team pass before half the football team come barrelling out of the campus gym.

“Well, well, well,” Jackson grins as he approaches us with a bunch of the guys on his team. “If it isn’t my two favorite girls. What are you guys doing over here? It’s a bit out of your league over here, isn’t it?”

“Whoa,” Brooke laughs, as we get to our feet. “Trust me, nothing on this campus is out of my league.”

“You’re feisty, aren’t you?” a voice to the right of Jackson say, instantly drawing Brooke’s attention. I mean, what better comment to make to draw in a girl like Brooke. She loves being the feisty girl and she loves it, even more, when that’s appreciated.

I look over at the guy and take him in as Jackson watches us with a heavy scowl. The guy is exactly Brooke’s type. Tall, muscled, into sports with that bad boy, I don’t give a fuck, demeanor. It’s like Maxen reborn.

Brooke falls into easy conversation with the guy as I turn back to Jackson to find his scowl sill heavy on Brooke and the guy. “Hey,” I say, drawing his attention as I feel the eyes of his other teammates raking up and down my body. “What’s going on? How was training?”

“Yeah, good,” he says, also noticing his friends openly leering at me. “Listen, I’ll catch up with you girls later,” he tells me, leaning in to murmur in my ear. “This really isn’t a great place for you girls to be hanging out if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” I say as my eyes flick over his shoulder to see one of his teammate’s give me one of those ‘I’m down if you’re down’ nods. “I get it.”

Jackson turns around and gives the guy a nudge. “Get the fuck out of here. She’s off limits.”

“What about you?” I hear the guy talking to Brooke question, making me look over at her. “Are you off limits?”

Her eyes rake up and down his body and she steps into him, placing her hand on his wide chest. “I’m not looking to be screwed over.”

His hand slides onto her waist and she sucks in a breath, clearly very taken by this meathead before her. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he murmurs. “Let me take you out?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance