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Nate has never been so proud of him and because of that, I am too. I might even put aside my mixed feelings for him so I can enjoy tonight with Nate and the rest of our group.

Nate pulls up in a section that’s kept closed for VIP guests, which I’m assuming is our whole group seeing as though, we’re the only ones in this area.

Music is blasting through the speakers. There’s a car racing around the track doing dangerous stunts along the way, putting on a show for the crowd of onlookers and I find myself at a loss for words.

Brooke comes up beside me with the same look of astonishment on her face. “Can you believe this?” she laughs.

“I know,” I tell her, still taking it all in. “I guess this is what Maxen is capable of when his energy isn’t spent thinking about his dick.”

“I mean,” she starts, looking through the crowd, probably searching for Max. “I knew he was capable, I just didn’t expect him to pull his shit together quite so soon. I figured in another few years he might grow up, never did I expect it to happen overnight.”

“Maybe he was serious when he was telling you about his cousin. He’s put his life into perspective and now he can clearly see what he wants and how to get it.”

“Yeah, maybe,” she muses.

“Hey,” Nate says, drawing my attention away from Brooke. “I’m racing first. I’m going to go drive down. Are you coming with me?”

I shake my head. “No, I want to watch.”

“Suit yourself,” he says with a wink, knowing just how turned on I get when I watch him speed around the track like a boss.

Nate leaves and I take a seat with Brooke, laughing at how Jesse and Jackson drill Tyson on Brylee. Neither of them has talked about the whole sleeping together thing at my party a few weeks ago, which would have been fine if Tyson went back to his usual man whore ways, but instead, he’s been acting different and Bry is too far away for us to be grilling her on it.

If my gut was right, I’d dare say they’ve started dating, but I guess we won’t know until either one of them finally slips up and admits it. For now, we’ll just keep on trying to torture the information out of Tyson. It’s more fun this way.

Maxen’s voice cuts through the speakers, welcoming everyone to the new and improved races and encourages them all to make big bets for the night. Next, he announces Nate’s race and I find myself up on my feet, cheering before the race has even begun.

Nate is still the most popular racer. He held all the records at the old track and he’s been talking non-stop about maintaining that top position on this one. I don’t doubt for a second that he’ll do it.

As usual, Jesse falls in beside me and we watch him race together. The track seems solid and though he’s never raced on it before, Nate seems to know it like the back of his hand already. It’s as though he was made for this. He has this natural instinct that a normal person simply doesn’t possess.

The track must be at least twice as big as the last. It’s slick and fast, and it looks as though it was made for Nate’s car. He’s racing the Camaro tonight, but I don’t doubt he’ll be coming back next week to give the Mustang a go.

He races through the track with ease, but don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing easy about it. Nate just makes it look that way. I mean, he’s traveling at speeds that I couldn’t even dream of hitting. It’s dangerous and reckless yet has my blood pumping in the best kind of way. The fact that it’s Nate in that car just makes it that much better.

“Fuck yeah,” Jesse cheers when the first race on the track is won by his big brother with an outstanding time.

This shit will never get old.

Another voice takes over for Maxen’s through the speakers and I turn around to find Maxen standing with Brooke, their heads bent together as they talk privately. They are too far away to hear, but from where I’m standing, they both look happy and I find myself wondering for the millionth time if this is a good thing. Brooke deserves happiness and I’m terrified that he’ll give it to her, only to take it away again.

Nate comes back up, nods towards Maxen, and a second later, takes my hand and starts pulling me away. “Where are we going?” I laugh as he grins back at me.

“You’ll see.”

The secret hidden beneath his eyes is nearly enough to kill me. I can’t stand knowing he’s up to something, but I have no choice but to wait. All that’s left for me to do is to follow where he leads and hope I’m not about to get myself in a world of trouble, but then, when would Nate ever allow me to get myself in trouble?

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance