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“Damn straight you do, babe,” he says, bringing his hand around to grab my ass. “Now get yourself in the kitchen, wench. The spaghetti isn’t going to cook itself.”

I let out a sigh. I should have known it wasn’t going to be as easy as sitting back and watching the master work.

Chapter 7

I sit at the kitchen table with my books spread out from one side to the other. It’s past eleven at night and it’s been another huge day, but I have an exam tomorrow afternoon which counts for a big part of my grade and I cannot afford to screw it up.

My eyes are heavy and has me reaching for my coffee. I’ve had about three of these bad boys tonight and they don’t seem to be helping. All I want is to go to bed but I need to get this done. I mean, I know I’m going to pass. I’m confident with what I’ve been learning, but I don’t want to just pass. I want to kill it. I want to blow my professors the fuck away because they’ve never seen anyone like me. I want to be a force to be reckoned with.

Noise sounds down the hall and I groan to myself. Brooke has had her new boyfriend over tonight and all I’ve heard for the past few hours is them going at it like rabbits. I mean, it’s not like hearing Brooke getting screwed within an inch of her life is a new thing to me, but hearing his dirty talk is kind of off-putting. He seems… I don’t know. Off.

I really want to like him for her, but the more I see him the more fake he appears. He’s constantly all over her as though she’s a possession. Brooke loves that about him, but to me, it seems too much too fast. It’s almost like an act that she’s falling for.

I know Nate doesn’t like him. He’s hasn’t come right out and said it but I can tell by the way he closes down around him. It’s a simple ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ followed by watching him closely and that’s about it. I don’t know if he senses what I’m sensing or if he just doesn’t like the fact that it’s another guy getting around our home in the middle of the night. All I do know is that when Nate likes and accepts someone, he’s respectable. He’s welcoming and gives a shit about getting to know them, but this is certainly not that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he clocked the guy next time he saw him and said it was an accident.

Brooke’s bedroom door opens and I listen out as I hear someone walking to the bathroom. The light is flicked and a second later, I hear the sound of someone taking a piss with the door wide open. Huh, I guess there are no surprises who that is. I mean, Brooke is known for being a little wild but no way in hell would she be pissing with the door open for the rest of the house to hear.

Ugh. A chill run up my spine. That’s so gross.

I listen out with a cringe as the toilet is flushed and his hands are washed. Footsteps are heard and I wait anxiously, hoping they lead back to Brooke’s room, but when there’s an extra step, I groan. He’s coming out here.

How freaking lucky am I?

Lukas appears in the entryway for the kitchen and falters when he sees me sitting here, staring back at him. I mean, I have to be happy he at least has pants on, but the button is undone and they’re barely being held up, and I can tell you, there’s certainly no underwear under that. “Shit,” he grunts. “I wasn’t expecting to see you out here. What are you doing?”

I look down at the many books before me. I mean, is it not clear what I‘m doing? “Got an exam tomorrow,” I clarify, hoping that helps the guy just a little.

“Ahhh,” he says with a nod, walking forward and heading deeper into the kitchen. I track his movements as he helps himself to a bottle of water in the fridge. He cracks it open, drinks nearly the whole thing in one go and puts it down on the kitchen table, pushing some of my books aside as he leans over the top of the chair beside me.

I focus my attention back on my textbook, hoping he gets the hint that I’m not in the mood for a little chit chat. It’s past eleven at night and all I want to do is finish this shit so I can get myself to bed.

“So,” he says, trying to draw my attention back to him. “Where’s Nate tonight?”

I put my pen down and lean back in my chair. Maybe if I entertain him for a little while he’ll discover I haven’t got much to talk to him about and grow bored, then he can go back and chat to Brooke all night long, leaving me the hell alone.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance