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I walk to the door with him but stop in the doorway. “Do you guys need a drink?” I call out.

Nate nods while Jackson gives me the thumbs up. “I’ll come help,” Jesse offers, getting up from the couch and jogging toward me.

I step back from the doorway and head into the kitchen before reaching up into the top cupboard for the glasses. Jesse hurries in and helps me get them down, as let’s face it, I’m simply too short for this house.

“Thanks,” I murmur as he finishes that and I head to the fridge to find something to give everyone.

Jesse brings the glasses over to the counter and lines them up as I start pouring soda into each one. “I, um… wanted to talk to you,” he murmurs, sounding a little cringy.

“I’m not taking your baby if that’s what you’re about to ask.”

“No,” he laughs. “Nothing like that. Don’t get me wrong, I thought about asking you but I figured Nate would rip me a new asshole.”

“That’s the understatement of the year,” I murmur, concentrating on not spilling the drinks. “What do you need?”

Jesse pauses. “Kaylah doesn’t think you like her.”

“What?” I grunt, putting the bottle down and turning to face Jesse. “I like her. Why would she think otherwise?”

“I know you like her and I told her as much, but she’s not buying it,” he rushes out, hoping not to offend me. “She comes from a world where she was surrounded by girly girls who all fawn over each other, and here, you hardly talk to her.”

I cringe, realizing he’s right. I haven’t made much of an effort to get to know her, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her. I’ve just been a little preoccupied with all the drama. “You realize I’m not one of those girly girls who like to compliment other girls on their new hairdos?”

“I know,” he says. “I’m not asking you to. It’s just… it’s serious with her.”

I turn and pull him into a hug. “It’s ok,” I tell him. “It wasn’t my intention not to include her. I didn’t even realize it was happening, but I promise, I’ll stick to her like glue and make more of an effort. I mean, if she’s good enough for you to fall in love with, then there must be something special about her that I haven’t worked out yet.”

“Thanks,” he smiles fondly.

“Who knows?” I grin. “Maybe I’ll fall in love with her too and steal her away.”

“You wouldn’t?” he accuses, narrowing his eyes on me.

I grab as many drinks off the table that will fit between my fingers and walk towards the backdoor. I look back over my shoulder to Jesse, who’s grabbing the remaining glasses. “Want to find out?”

I make my way out the back and Nate shoves his phone between his shoulder and ear before coming over and taking the drinks out of my hand. At first, I assume he’s just being a gentleman but it doesn’t take me long to realize he thinks I’ll probably trip over my own feet and send soda all over their backyard.

Nate hands out the drinks with Jesse as he finishes off his conversation with Puck. I drop down beside Kaylah and she holds up her drink. “Thanks for this. I would have died before the boys thought of getting up and getting drinks.”

I don’t mention that she could have freely gotten up and done it herself, but then, some people are funny about helping themselves to things inside other people’s homes. Me? I’ve never had that problem. Especially not here. I guess that’s something she’ll have to get used to.

“No problem,” I smile as I feel Jesse watching us out of the corner of his eyes. “How’s the baby been all afternoon?”

“Oh, my god,” she groans before launching into her spiel about the two main boys in her life arguing over which was the front and back of a diaper.

Nate hangs up his call and soon drops down on my other side. “I invited the boys over,” he announces to the group as he leans back into the couch, pulling me back with him so I rest into his side.

Jesse and Jackson both grunt and I assume that’s their way of acknowledging what Nate had just said, making me wonder how Jackson would feel being in the lion’s den with all his friends, having been the enemy for so long, but watching him now, it looks as though he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“Can I invite the girls?” I murmur as I lift my chin to kiss his cheek.

“Sure, but Maxen will be here.”

“That’s fine,” I tell him. “Brooke can handle it. I think the whole Holly thing kind of sealed it for them. She literally couldn’t give two shits about what he does now.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance