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“Ain’t going to happen,” I say, unable to resist Nate a second longer.

I launch myself forward and run to him. I throw myself into the air as he draws nearer and he catches me a second later before crushing his lips down on mine. “You’re such an idiot,” I laugh between kisses.

“You fucking loved it,” he murmurs, watching me with pure love shining through his deep eyes.

“I did,” I smile. “Despite how embarrassing it was, I adored it. You’re incredible. Thank you.”

He kisses me again. “Anything for you, babe.”

I smile against his lips as I devour them. There is nothing better in the world than being in the safety of Nate’s arms, especially after making a gesture like that. I know he gave me everything by finally coming back to me despite me teasing him about making him work for it, but this is so much more than I could ever have imagined.

He told me in the ambulance that he was planning on doing this but never in a million years did I expect he actually meant it. “Jesse called you a pussy,” I laugh as we pull away from each other.

Nate groans as I release my legs from around his waist. He helps me safely back to my feet before looking over the top of my head to our group of friends who have huddled together to watch the show. “There’s nothing pussy about having enough balls to stand up in front of the whole school and sing a fucking song to let the world know that you’re my girl, though, I might have to knock a few heads together to remind the school who the fuck I am.”

“Good plan, Caveman.”

Nate rolls his eyes as he takes my hand and leads me back over to our friends. We’re just about there when the bell signaling first break rings, letting us know we have about twenty minutes before it’s time for classes to commence, giving me just enough time to melt into Nate and satisfy that constant craving I seem to have for him.

As a group, we make our way into the cafeteria, all of us unable to stop talking about Nate’s little performance. That is until a furious Phoenix walks straight through the center of our group, making sure to ram her shoulder into Nate on the way past.

His eyes flame as gasps are heard through the whole cafeteria.

“Oh, shit,” I murmur as Nate spins around and reaches for Phoenix who is still barging her way through the group. I guess it won’t take him long to prove he’s still a badass after he decided to break into song like the pussy Jesse keeps suggesting he is.

Phoenix gasps as Nate’s fingers curl around her forearm and yanks her back into the center of our group. It doesn’t take long to realize that she thought he’d leave her be. In fact, it’s clear in her eyes that she was expecting it. But what she should know is that when you’re dealing with Nate and Jesse Ryder, neither of them do what you expect them to do.

Nate narrows his eyes and steps right into her. Phoenix’s eyes widen in fear and I have no doubt that being in her position is downright terrifying. “Is there something you need?” he growls, low enough for only our group to hear.

Phoenix’s eyes flick around the group before she returns her eyes back to Nate with nothing but anger, seems this could turn into an even bigger show than we just watched. Phoenix brings her hands up and shoves Nate hard in the chest, forcing him back a step and out of her face.

I have to give her credit, that would have taken a shitload of strength, but then, maybe Nate stepped back on purpose. He still hasn’t come to terms with that fact that they’re related and I’m sure being this close to her is hard for him. If only I could get past Phoenix to hold his hand and give him every ounce of support I could possibly muster up.

“Get out of my face, Nathaniel,” she spits as though it’s a dirty word.

Nate grunts. “What happened to the nice Phoenix who kept trying to crawl up my girlfriend’s ass, trying to win her over and get in our good book?”

“She doesn’t exist anymore,” Phoenix snaps. “I don’t want anything to do with you damn Ryders. You’re all fucking dickheads.”

Jesse grins like Christmas has come early and steps in beside his brother. “What’s the matter, sis?” he chuckles. “Is it not all rainbows and flowers living with Caden Ryder? Are you not getting the attention you’ve always wanted?”

“It’s none of your damn business,” she seethes.

“Let me guess,” Jesse continues. “You got a blue car instead of a red one?”

“Shut up,” she yells in fury. “You don’t know anything.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance