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“I know,” he chuckles. “I still plan on starting my company after I graduate senior year, so I’ll have a lot going on.”

“That’s ok. That’s what I’m here for and if you need someone to get you coffee in the morning, that’s what Jesse is for.”

He squeezes me into his chest. “You’re the best, babe.”

“I know. You’ve hit the jackpot.”

“No. Hitting the jackpot implies that I got lucky. I didn’t get lucky with you. I played my cards right until the last possible moment and then I sucked you into my trap.”

“Really? Cutting my hair during class was playing your cards right?” I laugh as I reach for my bra. “Shit, Nate. You’re fucked in the head.”

He shakes his head and laughs before helping me up off his lap. I pull my bra straps up my arms and being the gentleman that he is, Nate helps me to hook it at the back. Next up the damn jeans. I’ve never felt like such a loser having to get someone to do up my jeans every time I take them off. I mean, I can’t even pee discreetly as I have to call for mom’s help. It’s worse at school. I’ve gotten to the point of holding it until I get home. Though, that nearly caused a serious incident – a very embarrassing incident.

I wait a moment for Nate to pull his clothes on and we walk up the stairs to the main part of the house together only to find Jesse in the kitchen, looking as though he’s been waiting for us the whole time. “Did brother dearest give you the ride of your life?”

My cheeks flame and Jesse starts howling with laughter. Nate walks past him and hits him across the back of the head. “Knock it off,” he scolds. “But for the record, it was fucking dynamite.”

“Nate,” I screech, wanting to bury myself under a rock. Though, it’s not like it’s a big secret. Everyone knows the girl dating Nate Ryder is getting her world rocked in every way possible. I guess I should just own it.

“How’s Kaylah?” I ask, sitting up on the stool as Nate pours himself a glass of OJ. “I haven’t heard her bragging about you in bed which is strange. Usually, girls can’t stop talking about that stuff. Maybe you’re not so good after all.”

“Oh, believe me,” he says as Nate slides the glass of OJ my way and starts pouring another glass. I smile at Nate as Jesse continues defending himself. “I blow her mind every damn night. She doesn’t talk about it because she’s too fucking exhausted.”

“Wow,” I gasp, pulling out every inch of sarcasm I can possibly find within myself. “You must be a real rockstar.”

Jesse winks, not catching on that I’m teasing. “You know it, babe.” I shake my head as the buzzer for their front gate goes off. “Yes,” Jesse cheers. “Pizza’s here.”

Jesse scurries off to fetch his pizza like a good little boy, leaving me with the guy that I’m so freaking proud to call my boyfriend. I look up at him to find him already watching me when a thought occurs. “It’s Friday night,” I say. “Shouldn’t you and Jess be hounding me to get ready for the races?”

Nate presses his lips together as we hear Jesse talking to the pizza guy at the front door. “Not after that storm,” Nate explains. “The track is fucked. Could be another week or so before Aaron fixes it up and it completely dries out.”

“Really?” I grunt. “No racing? What are we going to do with all that spare time?”

Nate walks around the counter and wraps his arms around me. “I could think of a few things.”

“What about the usual Friday night party?”

Nate shrugs. “Phoenix is having another party but I’m not really feeling it. I’m good to skip that one tonight. I mean, not unless you want to go?”

“Hmmm, stay home with you or spend the night dodging glares from Phoenix. It’s such a hard decision.”

“Jesus, maybe you should go out,” he laughs. “That way you can aim that thick sarcasm at someone else for a change.”

“Sorry,” I laugh. “I can’t seem to stop. It just keeps coming out.” Nate shakes his head but he can’t help but grin at me. “So, really? No party tonight. Just you and me hanging out on a Friday night?”

“Well, you, me, and Jesse.”

“He doesn’t count and I’m sure as hell the second he finishes his pizza, he’ll be finding a way to crash that party and destroy it.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Nate says. “As long as I don’t get a call from the cops, I’m good.”

“What’s going on?” Jesse says, walking back into the kitchen with a wicked grin and four pizzas stacked on his hands. “Did you hear? Phoenix is having a party.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance