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I can’t help but laugh. There’s nothing better than teasing the very people at this table, and doing it all at once is so much better.

“Have you decided what you want to do today?” mom question as she takes a sip of OJ.

I look up and catch Nate’s eyes as a massive grin cuts across my face. He narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what could possibly be on my mind, but I don’t make him wait long. “Oh, yeah,” I tell her. “The boys are taking me paintballing.”

“Fuck yeah,” Jesse cheers as Nate grins back at me.

“Are you sure?” mom questions. “That’s awfully messy. Your clothes will get ruined, and… well, it hurts, you know?”

“I know,” I tell her. “And I’m sure. I’ve been wanting to kick Nate’s ass for so long and haven’t been able to, but now’s my shot.”

“What?” he scoffs. “What makes you think you could beat me?”

I stare across the table at the man I’m so over the top, crazy, in love with. “You don’t have the balls to point a gun at me and shoot, especially on my birthday. I’m going to take you down Nate Ryder and I’m going to love it.”

“Shit,” Jesse laughs. “She’s right. You’re fucked.”

Mom rolls her eyes and gets up from the table to start clearing away the empty plates, leaving me with the boys. “There’s just one thing,” I tell them. Nate narrows his eyes yet again and I resist laughing at him. “I want everyone there. All the girls and the guys, even Maxen because I know Brooke would get a kick out of shooting him.”

Nate’s eyes soften. “Done.”

I cringe, knowing how this could possibly go. “By all the guys, I mean Jackson too.”

“What?” both boys scoff. “No way.”

“Yes, way. He’s my friend and I want him on your team so you don’t feel the need to shoot each other.”

“I’m going to shoot him whether he’s on my team or not.”

“Nate,” I groan. “Does that mean you’ll invite him?”

“It’s your birthday, Tora. Whoever you want there will be there.”

“You’re the best,” I tell him.

He rolls his eyes as Jesse pushes up from the table. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s get this shit cleaned up so I can kick your ass.”

“I think it should be girls against guys,” I tell them as I load up my arms with things to take back into the kitchen.

“Hell yeah,” Jesse laughs. “We’re going to annihilate you.”

“Not quite,” I tell him with a wicked smirk. “Us girls are sneaky while you guys are all about brute strength and intimidation. We’ll get you when you least expect it. And besides, I want you on the girl team. I need someone to use as a human shield.”

“What?” he gasps in outrage. “No way.”

“Sorry man,” Nate laughs. “She’s the boss.”

I grin back at him. Damn straight I am.


The girls, Jesse, and I stand around in a huddle, putting our plan in place. Well, most of us are putting our plan in place. Jesse and Kaylah are too busy making eyes at one another while Brooke is running the show, desperate to get a shot at the guy who tore her heart to shreds. She honestly couldn’t give a shit if we win or lose, as long as she gets to shoot him, which I’m all good about.

My only goal here is to get one of my pretty little pink paintballs onto Nate’s perfect ass. It’s not going to be easy though. The fucker is fast. While I don’t have to worry too much about getting shot, he’s not going to make it easy for me to land one on him.

It’s the other guys I have to worry about though. But if Nate gets wind of someone aiming their gun at me, they’re going down, no matter if they’re on his team or not. So, I’m pretty confident about it.

It’s going to be one hell of a good birthday.

A buzzer sounds letting us know it’s time to get started. I meet Brooke’s eyes across the circle and we give each other a firm nod. We’ve got this. Next up, I look to my human shield, and whether he’s happy or not about being on a team he thinks is about to get annihilated, he’s still one hundred percent dedicated to helping me take down his brother, no matter how many paintballs he has to take in the process.

I dip two fingers into the paint and strike it up over both cheekbones. If I’m going to do this, then I’m going to look badass in the process. Brooke follows my lead and before I know it, all the girls have paint covering their faces. I even go ahead and slather some on Jesse’s, despite his relentless objections. Luckily, I have all the girls to help me hold him down.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance