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He pushes out of my couch and crosses the room to me. “Sorry,” he grins as he sits down on the edge of my bed and pulls me into him. “I tried to get him to wait at least another two hours, but you know how he is with birthdays.”

“I thought that was just his birthday,” I groan, squishing my face into Nate’s chest as I close my eyes, trying to find my peace and quiet which was just disturbed.

“Nope,” Jess laughs.

“What’s the time?” I mumble around the fabric of Nate’s shirt.

“It’s already seven,” Jesse says. “Do you know how much time we’ve already wasted?”

“Wasted?” I groan. “Don’t tell me you have some big, elaborate plan for my birthday because I’m sorry to tell you, I’m staying right here until mom drags me out of bed and sends me to school.”

“Sorry, babe,” Nate chuckles, making me feel the vibration through his chest. “You think I’m about to let you spend your eighteenth birthday like that? No way in hell. Today is yours. Whatever you want to do, we’ll do it.”

“Good. I want to go back to sleep.”

“Anything but that,” he warns.

“Alright,” I say, pulling back out of his arms so I can see that face I love so much. “First, I want you and Jesse to go down to the hardware store and pick up a lock, a good sturdy one that won’t break when a teenage boy gets cranky and starts kicking doors in. Then I want you to put it on my bedroom door and lock yourselves on the other side.”

Nate doesn’t look too impressed but it’s Jesse who replies. “Can I get myself a toolbelt and strut around like a workman? I’ll oil myself up so you’ve got something nice to look at.”

“See, that’s the spirit,” I laugh.

“Come on,” Nate groans, taking my hands and pulling me out of bed. “Go shower and get ready for the day. We’ll have breakfast ready for you when you’re done.”


“Nope. No buts. Today is yours. Anything you want. You got it.”

“Do I have to go to school?”

Nate’s smile completely lights up my room. “Not unless you want to,” he tells me. “I figured you didn’t want to so I got your mom to send the school an absentee note.”

“Are you serious? She’s cool with this?”

“Yep,” he smiles proudly. “She said, and I quote, ‘You only turn eighteen once’. Then she went on to tell me some weird story about your dad’s eighteenth and honestly, I really could have done without it.”

“Oh, no,” I groan. “She didn’t tell you the hooker story, did she?”

“Yeah,” he grunts in distaste as he drags me to the bathroom.

Nate leads me into the bathroom and closes the door behind us. He walks right over to the counter, takes me by the waist and lifts me on top of it so we look each other in the eyes. He brings a hand up and runs it down the side of my face, pushing hair behind my ear in the process.

His hand continues down my neck and pushes the strap of my tank top off my shoulder before he leans in and kisses it. I don’t know why, I’ve had his lips over every inch of my skin, but nothing felt more erotic than that.

Nate looks up and pierces his eyes through mine. “Happy birthday, Tora,” he whispers.

I have to bite my lips from smiling like an absolute fool. “Thanks,” I say, reaching out and slipping my hand up under his shirt to feel his warm skin against my fingers. “So, I really get anything I want for my birthday?”

His eyes sparkle as he does one of those sexy half smirk things that boys do. “Anything.”

“Including you?”

He leans in and presses his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck. “It’s your birthday, babe,” he whispers with his breath tickling against my skin. “Just tell me how you want it. Slow? Fast? Hard? Right here? In the shower?”

I tilt my head the opposite direction to give him more access to my neck. “I want all of that,” I tell him.

“Your wish is my command,” he tells me, reaching for my shirt and pulling it over my head. He doesn’t bother pulling my sleep shorts down, just scoops me off the counter and walks us into the shower as I wrap my legs securely around him.

His lips never leave mine, not even when he feels around to turn on the tap.

Cold water cascades down over us and I gasp out at the chill on my skin, but all it does is make me want him more.

Our kisses become needy and desperate and before I know it, the rest of my clothes are gone and I’m throwing my head back in pure pleasure as Nate pushes himself deep inside me.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance