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“Fine,” he groans. “But we’re coming back to the Thompson thing.”


“Alright,” he says as his smirk turns into a panicked cringe. “It’s, sigh, “Kaylah Millington.”

I fly to my feet, knocking over what was left in my bowl of popcorn as I look down at him in absolute shock. “WHAT? Have you lost your mind? Nate is going to kill you. Not to mention, Jackson will too when he finds out you screwed his little sister.” I mean, I’d probably kill him myself if I could catch him. I swear, there’s no one Jackson hates more in this world than Nate and Jesse, especially after the past two years of bullshit. Not in a million years will he ever accept Jess dating Kaylah.

“How’d you know I screwed her?”

“You’re Jesse. You screw everybody.”

He grins up at me as though he’s proud of the fact. “Can we focus on the issue at hand, please?”

“And what’s that? That you screwed the one girl that’s going to make Nate think you’ve betrayed him and gone to the dark side.”

“No,” he snaps, sitting himself up. “How do I stop having… feelings? I don’t like it.”

I drop back down to the couch. “It doesn’t just go away. Trust me, if they did, I’d make it stop for me, but I can’t,” I tell him. “When did you start getting these so-called ‘feelings’?”

His eyes begin to sparkle again and I quickly realize this isn’t a story I want to hear. “Well, I was eating her out-”

“Whoa,” I cut him off. “I don’t want to hear this shit.”

“You have to,” he insists. “This is the whole reason I like her.”

“Jess,” I groan. “I don’t want to hear how the girl has a golden pussy or her that her flaps practically called to you.”

Jess grins and I’m sure he’s probably imagining it. “No, it’s much better than that.”

Again, the curiosity is far too much. I groan. “Let’s hear it.”

His excitement takes over and he manages to make himself look like a little boy seeing his first set of tits. “So, I was going down on her, right, and man, she gets into it, like really into it. Her whole body was shaking. Her hands were in my hair and-”

“Jess, remember I’m not one of the boys.”

“Yes, you are. So, shut up and listen,” he demands before picking up where he left off. “Her whole body was like… I don’t know how to explain it, she couldn’t stay still. It was like she was having the fucking ride of her life. I don’t know if I was doing the work or she was.”

“Jess,” I warn.

He can’t help but grin. “Fine, anyway, she was going nuts. Absolutely loving it to the point she fell off the fucking bed.”

“What?” I grunt. “You’re lying.”

“I kid you not,” he tells me with wide, excited eyes. “But that’s not the best part. You wouldn’t believe what she said.” I sit patiently and wait, knowing he’s going to tell me anyway. “She called the ‘five second rule’ climbed back up on the bed, and let me get back to business.”

“What?” I laugh. “You don’t mean that thing you say when you drop food on the floor as an excuse to keep eating it?”

“Exactly that,” he booms. “It was so fucking funny. I could hardly finish her off, I was laughing so hard.”

“Alright,” I smile. “Can we move on to the whole ‘how you were infected with feelings’ thing?”

“That was it,” he tells me. “She said ‘five second rule’ and I fell in love.”

“Shit,” I sigh. “You really are in trouble.”

“I know,” he groans. “Now, you have to tell me what to do.”

I look at him as though he’s just grown a new head. “I can’t do that for you. You have to come to that decision on your own.”

“What?” he scoffs. “That’s bullshit. Tell me what to do.”

“I’m not going to do that, but tell me this. Are you ready to be a committed man, dedicated to only one girl for the rest of your life?”

I swear, he looks as though I’ve just sentenced him to an eternity in hell. Completely and utterly horrified. “No way.”

“Then it’s settled. You leave her alone and she can go use the five second rule on some other poor loser.”

“What?” he grunts, straightening in his seat as his face falls. “No, she can’t do that.”

“Why the hell not?”

“She can’t sleep with other guys.”

“She can do whatever and whoever the hell she wants,” I remind him. “You’re not her boyfriend and you just told me you never want to be in a committed relationship. That means you pass on her being yours. You don’t get to tell her that she can’t be with anyone else unless you date her exclusively.”


“But nothing, Jess. You can’t do that to the girl. She’ll hate you for even suggesting it. Why don’t you ask her on a date? No strings attached and take it slowly. If you like it, then go on another, if not, tell her you’re sorry and move on. There’s no need to put her through all your caveman bullshit. She’s human too.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance