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When McCoy left the room, I felt as if at least one weight was being lifted off me. With him around, I didn’t have to deal with Richard and my parents alone.

There were still way too many other things dragging me down, though. Aside from possibly losing my career, losing Isabelle was the biggest problem I had. She had only been gone a few hours, but I missed her. It shouldn’t be possible to miss someone so quickly, but I wanted her with me, telling me everything would be okay.

I felt like a loser for even thinking that way but I couldn’t stop myself. I leaned forward, head in hands, and gave in to the misery.


As quickly as I’d put my head down, it snapped back up at the sound of Hunter’s voice. Being caught crying by him was worse than being seen by McCoy. He was my best friend, but that only meant he had extra rights to razz me about it.

He didn’t say a word. Instead, he sat down beside me, and handed me a box of tissues he’d been hiding behind his back.

“Thanks,” I said, sarcastically. “You shouldn’t have.”

Hunter laughed. “It was either tissues or grapes, but I figured you’d need the tissues more. Being such a pussy, and all.”

“You sure know how to cheer a guy up.”

“I do my best.”

I knew he meant well, and his good-natured teasing helped, but everything was in too much of a mess for me to laugh. I tried, but a weird noise came out that sounded more like a groan.

“It’s a good thing I’ve known you for so long,” Hunter said. “Otherwise, this would be real uncomfortable.”

He opened the box of tissues, plucking one out and handing it to me. I used it to wipe my eyes,

and said, “Chicks like men who are in touch with their feminine side, right?”

“Lucky for you.”

This time I did laugh.

“Speaking of chicks,” Hunter said. “What happened with Izzy that made her run out of here so fast?”

I kinda hoped he wouldn’t ask. I mean, I knew he would but … I really hoped he wouldn’t. Isabelle hadn’t wanted me to tell anyone about Georgia and Leon, but I hadn’t had the time or the inclination to think about a cover story. It was either the truth, or avoidance.

“Would it be okay if we talked about that later?” I asked. “With everything that’s happened, I just don’t want to talk about anything serious for a while.”

“Okay but, is everything cool between you two?”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.”

“Anything I can do?”

“No. Thanks. I’m pretty sure our time’s up.”

The door opened again, and Janet and Andrew came inside. Janet had that look of pale concern only mothers have, and Andrew looked equally as worried.

“Jesse,” Andrew began, “I know this has been a horrible day for you, but you should know, there are some reporters outside who want to talk to you.”

Right. Of course they’d have worked out where to find me. That’s if Leon hadn’t pointed them in the right direction himself. I wiped away what I hoped were the last of my tears and said, “I bet you wish you’d never let me into your house.”

Janet shook her head. “Not at all. None of this is your fault.”

“It feels like it is. I’m so sorry. I’m gonna see if I can get an earlier flight home.”

Hunter looked at me in surprise. “You are?”

“I think I should. My mom’s going out of her mind with worry, so if I can get back to reassure her I’m okay, it might be for the best.”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance