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Fair point.

“She wanted to invite us to her Christmas party in a couple of weeks. We have to go.”

“I think I’ll pass on that one.”

“Come on, bro, we need to spend some time with sexy British chicks!”

“Are you telling me you like Mischa?” I asked.

“What’s not to like? Hot, confident, great rack. Perfect for a little vacation action.”

“She’s all yours.”

“No,” Hunter laughed. “She’s all yours. Maybe you didn’t notice, but it’s you she’s into.”

I’d kind of hoped once I left, she’d turn her attention to Hunter. Obviously, she was more persistent than I’d given her credit for.

“I don’t want her,” I said. “She’s not my type.”

She ain’t taking no for an answer, buddy. She got halfway up the stairs before Georgia could drag her back! If she’d caught up with you … let’s say … she’d have cured you of your ‘shyness.’”

“I’m not shy, I just don’t need another psycho chick.”

“What’s your problem, man?”

“My problem is that I came here to get away from girls like Mischa. I didn’t expect to be pimped out by your cousin!”

Hunter stepped back in surprise, and I sighed.

“Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. I just don’t want to spend the whole time fending off a horny college girl.”

“I get that, but she’s just a girl. She’s not Taylor.”

Was this how my life would always be? Every girl being compared to Taylor? My best friend telling me to get with other girls to take away the memories of what she did?

“This isn’t about Taylor,” I said.

“It’s about girls like her. Girls who only want to use you. I only just met Mischa so I don’t know for sure, but I think she’s one of those girls who happens to like guys. She doesn’t want anything from you. Well … apart from -”

“I know what she wants,” I said, with a small laugh. “But I don’t want it.”

Especially not when there is a gorgeous, smart, non-slutty girl sitting in the next room.

“So … you don’t mind if I try to sway her in my direction?” Hunter asked, after a while.

I shook my head. “Like I said, she’s all yours.”

Chapter Four – Let’s Do It


I felt really weird after Jesse had been in my room. I let him look at my portfolio – not a euphemism – and I’d never let anyone look at it unless I’d known them for a long time. It wasn’t in my nature to share something so personal with strangers because my work was none of their business, and also, I simply didn’t like the idea of being laughed at. I didn’t think Jesse would laugh, though. He probably only asked to see my work out of politeness or something, but at least he didn’t make fun of me.

I liked it when he said that if people thought Georgia was beautiful, they thought the same about me. But usually, when someone saw Georgia, she was the only thing they saw.

Oh God, did I really show him my wonky teeth? What on earth is wrong with me?

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance