Page 10 of Game On (Game On 1)

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“Okay,” Will announced, “we’ll need a couple of cabs to get us all to the nightclub, so we’ll split up and meet there.”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd and I turned to locate Bree. She and Taylor were complimenting each other’s outfits, not that there was much of Taylor’s outfit to admire. A piece of pink floaty material masquerading as a dress hugged her trim figure. With her skinny legs, she slightly resembled a stick of candyfloss.

“Damn, that dress looks good on you,” a far too familiar voice said from behind me. “It’ll look even better on my bedroom floor later.”

“Get lost McCoy,” I said, without turning around.

“Can’t I even compliment you?”

“The only thing I want from you is space. So back off.”

“Okay, but if you change your mind -”

“I’ll never be that drunk. And stop staring at my cleavage.”

McCoy laughed. “You’re good.”

“And you’re predictable. Have a good evening.”

The Blue Tattoo nightclub obviously had an excellent reputation. Hundreds of people moved to the loud, energetic music, their bodies illuminated by the coloured lights. With the beat of the music pumping through us, Freya, Bree and I boogied our way to the crowded bar, Will and Jude close behind. The others hadn’t arrived yet which was fine with me. I wanted to have at least half a glass of something alcoholic inside me before Will introduced me to Miguel.

“I can’t wait to get down there,” Freya said, looking over the wooden railing to the enthusiastic clubbers below. “I need to dance!”

“All those sweaty teenagers waiting to grope you,” Will teased. “Charming.”

I laughed. “Hey, I haven’t been groped in years. This might be my lucky night.”

“Leah!” Bree shrieked. “I thought you were a good girl!”

“I have my moments,” I told her, winking.

The atmosphere of the club had me feeling a bit wild and I knew once I started dancing, I may not stop. This was my night. I intended to make sure I enjoyed every second.

The rest of the Westberg posse arrived shortly after but only Miguel joined us. Will introduced us, then dragged Freya and Bree away so we could get to know each other. Not only was Miguel laid back and easy to talk to, he had the cutest dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. By the time our drinks were ready, those first feelings of attraction had grown into the early stages of ‘I want to make him mine,’ moving rapidly towards, ‘If he doesn’t kiss me tonight I may as well swap my suspenders for slippers.’

As much as I enjoyed Miguel’s company, my feet were starting to tap in anticipation. I was gagging to party with my girls so when he went to buy another drink, he told me he’d meet me on the dance floor. I weaved through the crowds to find Freya and Bree surrounded by men with hungry eyes. They seemed oblivious to the attention, absorbed in the pounding beats. It didn’t take long for me to get caught up in the rhythm too. I didn’t even notice McCoy behind me until my killer heels crunched down on his foot. I whirled round to apologise but when I saw him, I swiftly changed my mind.


Even with the volume of the music, I heard his yelp loud and clear.

“You shouldn’t have been so close,?

?? I said, raising my voice over the noise. “Go away. I’m trying to enjoy myself. Although, stomping on your foot has helped improve my evening.”

“I never knew you were a sadist,” McCoy grinned. I didn’t even want to imagine what sick perversions were swirling around his brain.

“Did you want something?”

“Yes,” McCoy replied, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me close. “I want to dance with you.”

This was the second time I’d been pressed against him, and the second time his closeness made my breath catch. The heat of his body ripped through me like fire and I gripped his wrists, pushing his hands away. “This is not the kind of music for dancing like that and even if it was, I wouldn’t be dancing with you.”

“Why not?” he asked. “What did I do to you?” His eyes were challenging me to mention the complaint he made but when I held firm, he said, “What’s with you and Miguel?”

“Are you spying on me now?”

“And you accuse me of being arrogant. No Leah, I don’t need to spy on you. With you in that dress and the height of Vega’s afro, it’s pretty hard not to see you. So, you like him?”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance