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“He’s gone out the back.”

“Okay. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Tired. I’m just going to drink this and head to bed.” Drew eyed me for a moment, and to stop him asking awkward questions I said, “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

He smiled. “I am. I think.”

I gave his arm an encouraging squeeze. “You have nothing to worry about. You know that.”

“Only singing in front of a crowd and rejection.”

I laughed. “She won’t reject you, Drew. She loves you so much.”

“I love her too. And I can’t wait to ask her to be my wife.”

I gave him a one-armed hug so as not to spill my tea. “I can’t wait for us to really be related. We’ve been like family for so long, but now it’s going to actually happen.”

“Yup. There’s no getting away from us now. Well… you know, if it goes well.”

“Will you stop!” I gave him a playful slap. “This is going to go well.”

“Yeah, but you know what they say about people who make assumptions.”

I shook my head and sighed. “Nothing to assume. This is a done deal, Drew. And you know it.”

Chapter 7 – You’ve Never Been To My Man Cave

Sleep eluded me that night. The next day promised so many good things, but Jason was at the forefront of my mind. How would he cope with the rest of the tour if he was struggling already? And would he try to back away after getting so close to me? Distancing himself from people when he’d started to open up was one of his specialities and I didn’t want him to push me away. Not now.

As it turned out, Jason actually gravitated towards me and although we didn’t talk about what had happened, a kind of understanding hung between us. The things I’d said the night before had maybe made him see that I wasn’t going to judge him, and that he could talk to me without me hovering over him the whole time to make sure he wasn’t going to mess up.

At eleven that morning, Jason, Drew and I set off for the airport to pick Ellie up. Deep down, I was sure Drew would have preferred to pick her up alone, but he knew how much Jason and I wanted to see her too so he said nothing.

I didn’t realise how much I’d missed my big sister, but as all three of us waited for her to walk through the arrivals gate, I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet, desperate to give her a hug.

Beside me, Jason chuckled. “Excited much?”

I grinned up at him. “I know it’s only been a week, but I can’t wait to hang out with her. Plus, you know, tonight is going to totally change her life and I cannot wait to see her face when Drew proposes!”

Drew nudged me, but was unable to suppress his own smile. “Hey, no more mentions of that until it’s done, okay?”

I held up my hands. “I promise. But it’s going to be epic!”

Jason laughed. “You’ve already got a bridemaid’s dress picked out haven’t you?”

“Oh, how well you know me!” He laughed harder and I’m sure my eyes lit up at the prospect. Truth was, I did sort of know the kind of bridesmaid’s dress I’d like. Assuming she picked me. She had to pick me.

“Shut up, she’s coming!”

Drew’s face broke into the most enormous grin as Ellie ran towards us, and I bounced a little faster, making Jason laugh again. Drew swept her up in his arms and kissed her for a long time. They pressed their foreheads together, saying things to each other nobody else could h

ear, and my heart swelled with happiness for them. Jason slipped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. “They’re sickening, aren’t they?”

I didn’t need to look up at him to know he was only messing around. In spite of his coolness, I could virtually feel his happiness for them too. He of all people knew what a rough road Ellie and Drew had had, and seeing them reunited was a special moment.

“They’re adorable and you know it.”

Jason leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Fine. But don’t tell anyone I said that.”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Razes Hell Romance