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I closed my eyes and covered my ears. Drew was going to kill him.

/> Snippets of yelling drifted around me until Drew softly spoke my name. He took my hands, exposing my throbbing cheek, and helped me to the sofa.

“Look at me, Ells.”

I gritted my teeth, trying to hold myself together. “I can’t.”


After a moment, I turned towards him. He knelt beside me, his eyes lingering on the mark where Jason’s fist struck me.

“I’m so sorry. I should never have left him.”

With a single shake of my head, I said, “Not your fault.”

“It is my fault. I shouldn’t have trusted him to stay here, but I had to go to Dad’s and-”

“Stop. Stop blaming yourself for his screw ups.”

My back twinged, making me jump. My back. From when Jason pushed me into the table. Where he screamed at me. Told me I made him feel like shit.

Drew bundled me into his arms, holding me tightly and I wept into his shoulder until there were no tears left. My head ached. Everything ached. I wanted a long, hot bath but the idea of going home and telling my family what happened made me feel sick. I couldn’t face their questions yet.

“Can I stay here?” I reluctantly peeled myself away from him so I could wipe my eyes. “I want to stay here. With you.”

“Yeah. Of course you can.”


“Ellie,” he began, then paused and shook his head.


“Jason said… He said he hit you because you were going to snort his coke.”

I nodded. “I was so angry, Drew, I couldn’t think clearly. He wouldn’t let me get near.”

“Did you hear what he said to me?”


Drew pushed my hair from my face, and touched my non-bruised cheek. “He said he had to stop you because he didn’t want you to go through what he’s going through. That he would never, ever let you be as stupid as he is. But I don’t think he realised it until after he hit you.”

“I know he’s sorry. I do. I just don’t care right now.”

My heart ripped apart in my chest because I’d never imagined a time when I wouldn’t want Jason around. He was as much a part of my life as my own family. But he’d hurt me in ways I never thought he was capable of and I didn’t want to hear his apologies. Didn’t want him near me.

Jason reached for my arm, but I snatched up the wrap of cocaine as I came out of my trance, and clambered over the bed away from him.

“Ellie, come on,” he said, the lightness of his voice unable to disguise the panic in his eyes.

“You lecture me on keeping secrets, and you’re carrying this in your pocket?” My hands shook because I didn’t want to be holding cocaine, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to give it back to him.

A second ago, he had screamed at me for lying about me and Drew, now I was quivering and clutching around sixty pounds worth of Class A drugs. “What is wrong with you? How could you-?”

“I’m not using, Ellie. Please sit down and listen.”

No way. I needed to be on my feet so I could pace, but the only way I’d know for sure if he was lying was by looking intently at his face. Staring hard to find the truth. Reluctantly, I sat cross-legged on the bed, and Jason perched on the edge, sensible enough not to get too close.

Tags: Kyra Lennon Razes Hell Romance