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“Are you fucking kidding me?” I yell, trying to get into his face but Nate’s hold on me is far too strong, especially as his hands ball into fists while his fingers are still looped through my belt loops. “What are you going to do? You had to bring…” I quickly glance around. “Seven others to come and confront Nate. Not to mention, you bombarded him first thing in the morning before his friends were here. You don’t have the balls, Jackson. You’re nothing. You paid off Haven Falls guys to beat the shit out of Puck instead of facing him yourself.”

Jackson’s jaw clenches as his hands ball into fists. To anyone else, he’d be terrifying, but I see him for what he is; a coward. I step into him and this time, Nate lets me, but he doesn’t remove his hold from my jeans for even a second. “You’re chicken shit,” I tell him. “Nate and the boys scare the shit out of you and that pisses you off.”

Jackson gets into my face. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I do,” I tell him. “I know that you put this elaborate plan into place knowing that Nate has no choice but to back down. He’d look weak in front of all these people, and even if he tried to swing at you, these guys would have stopped him within seconds. You would have walked away the hero. But you’re not. You’re a fraud.”

“You think I’m a fraud?” he scoffs.

“How many examples do you need?” His eyes narrow and I start listing them off. “You switched schools halfway through the season to be on the winning team. You rammed Nate’s car because you knew you couldn’t beat him. You paid off some losers to beat up Puck rather than do it yourself. And now this. Every single time you have lost. Now isn’t going to be any different. Back off while you still can.”

“You about done?” he spits. I raise an eyebrow as my mouth pulls into a straight, unimpressed line as I feel Nate at my back, shaking with anger. “Get out of my way.” When I don’t move, he turns to one of the football guys. “Move her.”

The guy looks to me and then up to Nate with hesitation. I don’t move my eyes from Jackson. “You forget where you are,” I tell him. “Look around. While you may go here, this is still our school. Outside your circle of football players, every single person here would have Nate’s back. Every single time. Hell, most of the football players would probably have Nate’s back too. This isn’t a fight you’re going to win.”

“Fuck this,” Nate sighs as his patience runs out. He hauls me behind him before throwing himself at Jackson. His shoulder rams into Jackson’s stomach and they fly back into a wall of football muscle.

Everyone goes fucking nuts.

People cheer. People shove. Girls scream. Phones are pulled out.

I look round, frantically trying to find some way to stop this. I see Jesse desperately trying to break his way through the circle. He’s my only choice. Apart from the fact that a teacher is bound to come down here eventually and hopefully the boys will be here soon, but until then, this shit needs to be put to rest before Nate causes any damage.

Jesse’s eyes catch mine for a fleeting second and I race forward. There are two guys holding him back and if I can at least distract one for a second, Jesse can handle the other and get to Nate.

So, I do what any other desperate woman in my situation would do. I knee the fucker in the junk. The guy goes down with a cry of pain and I briefly feel bad for him before remembering that Nate is in trouble.

Jesse shoves the other guy hard and instantly races forward, making all the football players go after him.

Shit. This is not a place I want to be. The circle quickly grows smaller and just as I predicted, everyone else jumps in, having Nate and Jesse’s back. People are prying footballers off my boys while Jesse tries to get Nate away from Jackson, though, I’m pretty certain I see Jesse throwing a punch too.

It’s turning into a freaking brawl and all I know is that I can’t be here, but with so many bodies around; I’m trapped.

I’m pushed from side to side as I try to scramble my way around. I hear other girls screaming, terrified of being hit while some, a little more brazen, try to get in on the action. “Tora?” I hear Brooke’s voice screaming out over the brawl.

“Brooke?” I yell back. I spin around, desperately searching her out and instantly get an elbow slammed back into my cheekbone. I cry out in pain. Immediate tears sting my eyes as my hand slaps across my face, trying to take the pain away.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance