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“Nah,” Jesse says. “You’re pretty much a part of the family now anyway. You may as well come along. Saves us explaining the story afterward.”

“Alright,” I breath. “Let’s go.”

With that, we walk up the stairs of the massive house and push our way through the front door. My hands shake. I don’t know how this is going to go and I don’t know why I’m so fucking nervous. I don’t want it to be true, but something is screaming within me that it is.

All hell is about to break loose in the Ryder household and things are never going to be the same.

Nate storms through the front door, letting the hardwood swing open and slam against the wall. He walks straight past the alarm and I raise an eyebrow, realizing he’s putting on a show. There’s only been once that I’ve seen Nate walk through the door and forget the alarm. The place went nuts and I have no doubt that’s his intention now.

Jesse scoffs, reading his brother in the same way I am as we follow him through the house. We get to the opening of the kitchen when the alarm system goes off.

Nate pushes himself up onto the kitchen table as he watches the show play out before him. I lean against the table beside him with Jesse on his other side, arms crossed over his wide chest.

It takes all of twenty seconds for Caden to come down the stairs with a baseball bat in hand. His eyes are wide as he scans the darkened room.

“Holy shit,” he gasps as he sees us before lowering the bat and walking forward. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he yells at the boys over the high-pitched wail of the alarm. “Did you set off the alarm? Your mother is beside herself thinking it’s a home invasion.”

Shit. Guilt flashes in both the boys’ eyes but it’s gone a moment later as their father shakes his head and walks out of the room before we hear three loud beeps followed by the alarm cutting off.

Trish appears at the top of the stairs as Caden walks back in the room, flicking the light on as he goes. “It’s just the boys,” he tells her as he walks by us with a heavy scowl.

“Oh,” she gasps with her hand over her chest as she makes her way down the stairs. “Thank god.” She stops halfway down as Caden reaches the bottom step.

“Why don’t you take a seat?” Nate says to his retreating form with a tone sharp enough to cut glass.

He turns back around and meets Nate’s blank stare. He studies him for a moment and Trish slowly continues her descent down the stairs, wondering what the hell is going on.

Her eyes flick around and briefly land on me before taking in the standoff between Nate and Caden. “What’s going on down here?” she questions as she continues glancing between us and Caden.

Nate doesn’t move his eyes off his father who’s now white as a ghost. “Dad’s got something to tell us,” he says.

Caden begins shaking his head. It’s as clear as day that he’s been caught out, yet he’s still going to try to spin a story, which is the only proof Nate needs. Just like that, it’s all confirmed. We don’t even need to have the conversation that’s about to follow, but things need to be said and Caden Ryder needs to be put in his place. “I’m not sure I follow,” he says cautiously as he rocks back on his heels.

Jesse scoffs in disgust and looks away, prompting Trish to walk forward and take a stance beside us. “Oh, cut the crap, Caden,” Trish says. “Now’s your chance to come clean.”

His eyes widen as he looks to his wife with the deepest betrayal. “Shut up,” he yells at her before turning on his heel and stepping up on the first step. “I don’t need this shit.”

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Nate roars to his retreating back as he jumps down from the table. “Mom’s put up with your cheating ass for way too long. She deserves a shitload better than that bullshit.”

Caden stops and turns back to us. “You watch your mouth, boy,” he warns.

“Or what?” Nate challenges, opening his arms wide. “You going to do something about it? You’re fucking done here. We know all about your dirty little secret. Your daughter. You cheated on mom and have been lying about it for the past eighteen years.”

He shakes his head again, though I’m not sure if it’s because he’s been caught out or if he’s scared of what’s about to happen. I mean, there’s no way this is going to end with them all saying a pleasant goodnight and heading off to bed.

Jesse steps up beside Nate. “The cameras were on at Tora’s place. You deleted the security footage, didn’t you?” he questions. “Were you protecting someone?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance