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Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

I look back at Phoenix as she doubles over in laughter at Jesse’s expense. Once again, the rage takes control. I fly forward and this time, there’s no one in my way to stop me.

I slam my fists up against her shoulders and she falls back with a loud gasp. Her ass hits the floor with both of our body weights and I don’t doubt that will leave a nasty bruise. I straddle her waist and slap my palm hard against the side of her face. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I demand. “You’re fucking sick.”

“No,” she laughs, not even acknowledging the sting of the slap. “You’re the sick one, remember?”

I can’t help it. I hit her again. “What’s wrong with you?” I repeat. “You’re a crazy fucking whore.”

“You’re the fucking whore,” she yells back.

“I never did anything to you,” I demand as I grab her and hold her down.

Phoenix lets out a scream. “You got their attention,” she roars. “My own fucking brothers. The only time they showed me any attention was when I was offering to suck their dicks.”

I can’t help it. I hit her again. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I snap. “All of this because you’re fucking jealous?”

“I’m not jealous,” she growls.

“Ha,” I scoff. “No. You’re just pathetic.” At that, I smirk down at the trash beneath me and get up. “You’re not worth it. One thing I’ve learned from Nate and Jesse is that they always come out on top. Always. So, whether or not Jesse fucked his sister, no one will care. They’ll forget about it because he’s Jesse Ryder. But you. You will fall. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cheer skanks have already heard about this shit. They’re probably crowning their new queen right now.”

She starts shaking her head. “No,” she says. “That won’t happen.”

“Look around you, Phoenix,” I tell her, watching as she takes in all the people standing around with their phones out, recording the whole thing. “You’re already done.”

I step away from her, knowing the rest of this bullshit will be taken care of by the gossipy people at this party. I find Brooke and we walk over to Jesse. “You ok?” I ask as I rub my hand over his back.

“Please tell me it’s not true,” he begs.

“I don’t know, Jess. I don’t think she’d say something like that in front of all these people if it wasn’t true,” I tell him.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “I fucked my sister.”

“No,” I tell him. “It never happened. Forget about it. It’s her word against yours and she’s fucking crazy.”

He cringes as a loud bang rattles the foundation of the house. People scream as others start running. “What the fuck was that?” Brooke panics.

“I don’t know,” Jesse says, gripping both our hands to the point of pain as Tyson pushes through the mass of people running around.

“Come on,” Ty yells. “We have to get out of here.”

We run to the back gate, following the crowd and gasp as we reach the front. A massive fire overtakes a car and I look up at it in horror. “Tora,” I hear Nate yelling from somewhere. I pull against Jesse’s hand, searching for Nate.

He rushes up to me from the road, grabs my hand and keeps running.

We pile into Jesse’s Range Rover and before we know it, we’re taking off down the road. “What the fuck happened?” Jesse demands from the backseat as Nate takes off down the street, narrowly avoiding running some girls over. “Whose car is that?”

Nate studies the maze of people and refuses to look anywhere else. He’s silent for a moment and I feel nothing but tension in the car. “An eye for an eye,” he finally says.

Understanding hits me like a freight train.

Nate just blew up Jackson’s car.

Chapter 22

“Fuck,” Jesse laughs. “You set his car on fire?”

Nate doesn’t respond, just keeps on driving like a madman in one of his races. I look between the brothers as I try to slow my racing heart.

I’m having trouble keeping up with everything that’s just happened. It’s been a ridiculously crazy night. I was expecting to come to Noah’s party, talk to a few people and leave with hopefully a plan, instead, I get outed for my eating disorder, get hit on by Jackson again, run away, see Josh, have a makeup party in the bathroom while eavesdropping on a conversation, find Puck’s attackers and kick their asses, kick Phoenix’s ass, find out Nate and Jesse have a sister which is obviously Caden’s big secret, and lastly, set a car on fire.

What the actual fuck?

This night needs to slow down.

“Tell me you got Jackson before you blew up his car?” Tyson asks from the backseat as he leans forward between the two front chairs.

“Yeah,” Maxen chuckles. “We fucking got him. Real good.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance