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“Tattoo,” Brooke yells out. “A tattoo on his neck.”

“Shit,” Jesse curses looking around. “Three guys?”

“Yes, you have to go now,” I demand. “Josh saw me. They know I know.”

“Fuck,” Nate curse as he releases my body but holds tightly onto my hand, pulling me behind him. “Where?”

I point out the bathroom and Nate starts barging his way through the crowd. I feel sorry for some of the people as they’re truly getting pushed aside, others are smarter and see us coming before scrambling out of the way in the nick of time, but then, there’s some that just get pushed straight down to the ground in our rush.

As we break through the den, I look around the room and see the guys scrambling out the backdoor. “There,” I yell.

Nate looks up and follows my gaze before he drops my hand and truly chases after them. People squeal as my boys haul ass, terrified of what could come from this. I mean, it’s no secret who Nate and Jesse are. They’re dangerous and so are their friends, and if you’re in the way when shit goes down, then you better hold the fuck on.

Josh and his friends break out into the backyard and I distantly notice Noah looking on with wide eyes, terrified for the safety of his home, though, Nate promised he’d handle his shit outside and that’s something he’ll respect.

The boys catch up to them and I wonder how the hell it took them this long to get here. I mean, did they not think they were here with me? Or are they just stupid and underestimated what Nate would do to them. Either way, the picture is crystal clear now and they’re running for their lives.

Nate catches Josh around the back of his shirt and yanks him back as Jesse catches the blonde guy. Maxen darts around Jesse and the blonde and launches himself up on the outdoor table before flying off the edge and tackling the tall tattooed guy to the ground.

People scream and scramble while guys try to get in on the action or break things up, though when they see the Ryder brothers, they take themselves out of the equation. I mean, the only person who wants to be on the receiving end of Nate Ryder’s hand is a woman desperate for a release.

People start to circle around as Nate throws the first punch. All seven of the guys start scrambling around. Fists are thrown followed by grunts of pain.

Maxen gets on top of the big guy and pummels his fists into his ribs over and over again and even though this is wrong, I can’t help but feel pride with every connecting fist. I mean, I want to get in there and throw a few fists, maybe snap the blonde guy’s arms like the way he did to Puck.

Nate gets Josh down and he holds his hands up in front of his face. “Stop being such a fucking pussy,” Nate demands as Josh seems to cower.

“I… I… ARGH,” he grunts as Nate grows tired of his stuttering.

“Do you fucking like that?” Nate roars before bringing his fist up in a killer uppercut. “What about that?”

“Stop,” Josh cries.

“Stop?” Nate scoffs. “Like you did for Puck after his arm was broken? Tell me,” Nate says. “What exactly did you do to him?”

Josh goes white as I watch on with wide eyes. I’ve never seen Nate like this. I mean, I know he had it in him, we’ve all heard the stories, but hearing and seeing are two very different things. Though, I’m not sure how it’s making me feel. It’s kind of freaking me out, but I know it’s only this bad because he’s doing it for Puck, the same way Puck would do if the roles were reversed.

“Tell me,” Nate demands, holding him a little tighter.

Josh whimpers. “I kicked him,” he says. “When he was down.”

Rage flashes behind Nate’s eyes as he throws Josh to the ground and slams his foot into his side. “Like this?” he roars as Jesse knocks into him from the side, though it doesn’t faze him, he keeps every ounce of his concentration on Josh, trusting the boys to take care of the others.

Josh groans. “Yes.”

“What else?” Josh whimpers again and Nate leans down and grabs him by the scruff of his shirt before hoisting him up in an incredible display of strength. “What else?” he demands.

“I knocked him out,” he finally says.

Nate feigns forward and Josh flinches in fear. “What did he ever do to you?” Nate growls. “Your problem is with me.”

“He… I…”

“Answer me,” he yells.

“It was Jackson,” Josh says, visibly shaking. “Jackson paid us to do it.”

“Fuck,” I hear cursed from across the circle. I look up and watch as Jackson barges his way through the onlookers, slamming them out of his way in his desperation to get out of here.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance