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I don’t know what Courtney is going to do if Brylee gets into Harvard or Yale. It would mean Brylee moving away and a separation of the girls who are attached at the hip. Court will be devastated while Brylee will pretend to be miserable moving away, even though going will make her dreams come true.

I can’t wait. That’s going to be one hell of a sob fest.

I sit on Nate’s lap and turn around to face him. I haven’t slept in the same bed as him for a few nights now and I can’t help but miss him like crazy, which is ridiculous as I’m in his arms right now. All I need is for him to hold me for about twelve hours straight and I’ll be good.

I study his face. This week has been hard for him. His car. His best friend. His parents. It’s been one thing after another and any weaker man would have crumbled by now. “Are you ok?” I murmur for only his ears.

He shrugs his shoulder. “I will be, once all this shit is dealt with and I find out what this fucking big secret is.”

“And then you’ll be sleeping in my bed again,” I tell him.

“I can’t fucking wait, babe,” he says as his lips meet mine. Nate’s fingers trail over my back and slip under the fabric of my shirt. “I miss this,” he says. “I miss you squirming up against me in the middle of the night, pressing your ass into me. It’s fucking heaven.”

My check flush and I have to look away from his intensity. I mean, I’ve been sleeping with the guy for months and I’m still shy around him. What the hell is wrong with me?

Nate laughs as he brings up a hand and lightly pinches my flushed cheeks, teasing me. “I’ll never get tired of that.”

I wriggle around on his lap and pull my phone out of my jeans pocket. “I found something today,” I tell him as I bring up the site I was looking at earlier this afternoon. “I’m not sure if it’s the right thing though.”

His eyebrows pull down as I hand him the phone and he studies the site before him. “You’ve been looking up Mustangs?” he questions as his eyes light up.

“Yeah,” I say. “It’s probably the wrong one. I don’t know how to tell if it’s good or not.”

“No,” he says in amazement. “This one’s not too bad. Are there any more?”

I lean around to see the screen. “Yeah,” I say. “I bookmarked the few that I’ve found. There’s about three in the area, but the rest are a bit far away.”

“Fuck me,” he says as he gets to the third picture. “This is pretty close to what I’ve been looking for.”

“Yeah?” I say as the hope starts to grow within me.

“Yeah, I could do heaps with this,” he says as he takes a screenshot of the Mustang and sends the picture to himself. “Look here,” he grins as he zooms in on the picture. “See it’s old, but not too old. Its framework is still intact, but I’ll have to check it out to make sure there’s no rust or any other problems.”

“You sure?” I question. “It’s really what you want?”

“Oh yeah,” he grins with his eyes lighting up like the fourth of July. “Seeing this now. I can’t wait to get started.”

“Well, go call the seller,” I tell him. “It’s only an hour away. We can go down tomorrow.”

Nate flicks through the photo’s a few more times before grinning at me. “Alright,” he says. “Let’s do this.” He rises out of his seat and places me down on my feet, making sure I’m steady before taking my hand and leading me outside. He flicks my phone around in his hand as he leads me right out the back to where it’s quiet.

He hits the seller’s number on the phone and a minute later, he’s talking cars with the guy on the other end. His hand tightens in mine the further they get in the conversation, telling me just how excited he is. “Alright,” he says into the phone, smiling down at me in the dark. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

He hangs up the call, and I swear, not a damn thing could wipe that smile from his face. “Thanks,” he says.

“I didn’t do anything,” I tell him. “That was all you.”

“Don’t be stupid,” he says, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips. “Without you, I’d still be sitting inside that cramped house, in a foul mood, looking for someone to beat the shit out of. But now, I have something to look forward to.”

He pulls back and I lace my hand through his as he slides my phone back into my back pocket. “Come on,” I tell him. “Let’s do whatever it is we have to do here so you can take me home.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance