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Their blasé attitude helps with my nerves, right up until the skanky blonde in hooker heels, a skirt with her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom, and a set of fake tits squished into a black, string bikini steps between the two cars. She walks forward and holds up a handkerchief, ready to start the race.

My back stiffens with anticipation and has Jesse nudging me. “Chill out. Our boy’s going to kill it.”

“I can’t help it,” I tell him.

A moment later, the handkerchief comes down and Nate takes off like a bat out of hell. The sound of the Camaros is deafening and the dirt spilling up behind them is incredible. The crowd goes nuts and it’s clear they’re all cheering for their favorite bad boy as Brooke latches onto my hand. She squeezes it and I squeeze hers right back.

Jesse and the boys holler out all sorts of obscene shit as Nate pushes his car in front of Noah’s. They hit the first corner and Nate cuts it in while Noah goes a little too wide and puts distance between them.

I can’t see Nate’s face from here but I don’t doubt he’d be grinning and shaking his head at Noah’s rookie error. Nate takes off after the bend and leaves Noah behind in a cloud of dust. From there, his win just becomes more and more inevitable.

My body starts to relax and I start jumping up and down, screaming out Nate’s name. I mean while being in the car during the race is an experience I’ll never forget, being out in the open and watching every tiny little detail as it plays out is incredible. I can see the way the dust comes up as Nate’s tires spin under the harsh spotlights and how Nate manages to outsmart his opponents and expertly races the track.

Being out in the crowd and being a part of the atmosphere during his race is intoxicating. Everybody watching the same thing and cheering for the same guy. There’s nothing better.

Though, I could be wrong, watching him cross the finish line and turning the white Camaro brown with dust is pretty damn good. A smile is permanently etched on my face as Jesse and I scream out for Nate. “Fuck yeah,” he laughs as he grabs my hand and hauls me away from Brooke.

I struggle to keep up with him as he bounds down toward the finish line, pushing everyone else out of his way in his need to get to his brother. “Did you fucking see that?” he throws over his shoulder. “He smoked him.”

The smile on my face is starting to hurt my cheeks and the laughter hasn’t stopped. “Hell yeah, he did.”

We get down to the race track which is when I notice the rest of the group have followed down behind us.

Nate gets out of his car and the cocky grin on his face as he searches me out has my panties bursting into flames. I mean, how the hell did I ever get this lucky? Girls all over Broken Hill would sell their souls to the devil to get the slightest taste of what I’ve got.

Jesse barrels into him and knocks him back into the side of his car with his momentum before he claps him on the back. The rest of the guys join in and celebrate as Brooke and I stand back, terrified to get in the middle of that muscle sandwich.

Nate groans and pushes the guys off before he reaches out and pulls me into him. I stretch up onto my tippy toes and grin up at him. “That was hot,” I tell him.

He presses his lips down onto mine as his hand winds down around my body and grabs my ass. “You’re fucking wet, aren’t you?” he murmurs against my lips for only me to hear.

“Take me home and find out.”

He groans low in his throat as he kisses me again, and a minute later, Brooke is there pulling me off him. “Come on,” she says. “Stop being such a hussy. I need another drink and then we’re going to that party.”

I pout as she rips me away from Nate. I’d forgotten about Phoenix’s party in all the excitement. All I want to do is go home to Nate’s bed and never come out again, though, it’s going to have to wait until we’ve partied the night away. After all, I have all the time in the world to enjoy Nate.

“Go with them,” I hear Nate say as we start wandering off into the rush of bodies. A moment later Max is there and scoops Brooke up and over his shoulder. She squeals out but the squeal is taken over by her laughter as she smacks Maxen’s ass.

“Put me down, you big ass,” she says.

He spanks her ass and leaves her there as he leads me up to Jesse’s Range Rover where Brooke has stashed all her girly drinks. Max finally puts her down and she dives into the car to get her drink.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance