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Puck’s mom thanks Nate before turning to her husband and falling into his arms. Nate excuses himself and comes back over to join us. The husband ushers her into a chair when she begins to sob and he makes his way over to the nurse’s station, eager for more details.

Movement beside me has me looking over and watching as Courtney pulls herself up out of her chair and walks over to the woman. She introduces herself and sits down beside her before the two of them cry together, making me wonder just how deeply Courtney’s feelings for Puck run.

We only have to wait for an hour before a doctor comes out and calls for Puck’s parents. They rush to their feet and make their way over as we watch on with eager eyes. Puck’s mom sighs with relief and that one little noise eases us all. They thank the doctor before following him down the hall.

“Thank god,” Nate groans beside me as his head falls back against the wall.

I lace my hand through his, hoping it offers him some sort of comfort as we wait for Puck’s parents to come back out. We only wait a short while before they appear at the top of the hallway. They make their way down towards us and I can’t help but notice that they look like entirely different people. They look ten years younger as the worry and stress have been completely lifted from their features.

“He’s kicking us out already,” Puck’s mom says to the group with a roll of her red rimmed eyes. “We’re going to grab a coffee, but he’s asking for you all.”

“Thanks,” Nate says. “I’ll call if he needs anything.”

She reaches out and touches his cheek, making it clear just how long Puck and Nate have been best friends. I mean, their lives are completely woven together. “Thanks, love,” she tells him. “Third door on the left.” Nate nods and the couple head away.

As a group, we head down the hallway, looking for the third door on the left. Jesse is the first there and reaches for the door handle before pushing it wide open for us all. “Fuck, man,” he says as he walks through. “How’re you feeling?”

We squish in behind him and my eyes instantly lift to Puck as we all find a space to hover around. “Been better,” he grumbles.

A low breath escapes me as I take him in. His face is all bruised up, he has a fat lip, and blood is matted in his dark hair, and that’s just his face. My eyes travel down his body but most of it is covered by the blanket, though I don’t doubt the rest of him is very good. I mean, I can clearly see the outline of a cast under his blanket.

“Fuck,” Courtney curses under her breath with wide eyes as she shoulders her way through the group and walks towards his bedside. “Who did this?”

His eyes lift to her and a small smile pulls at his lips. “You sat with my mom,” he murmurs as his hand lamely reaches out and searches for hers.

She takes it greedily while being careful not to hurt him as discreet smiles appear over the faces of all my friends. “Of course, I did,” she tells him quietly with a slight blush over her face, though I can’t tell if it was from the admission or from having to say it in front of all of us.

His eyes lower as he watches her and Nate clears his throat beside me, gaining his attention. “Puck,” he says in a no BS tone. “Who was it?” he demands.

Puck lets out a sigh. “I don’t know,” he says with regret. “They hit me from behind. I don’t really remember much more than that.”

“Fuck,” Nate curses as his hand tightens in mine. “Whoever the fuck it was better watch out.”

“No,” Puck demands. “This one is mine.”

“Fuck that,” Maxen says. “You can hardly fucking move. Your arm is broken, man. You won’t be throwing any punches any time soon. Just leave this shit up to us.”

Puck lets out a frustrated huff and looks up at the ceiling. “I guess I don’t have a fucking choice then.”

“I mean, you could talk to the school about it,” I suggest. “They were pretty good when Josh attacked me. I’m sure they’ll launch an investigation and whoever did this would be expelled.”

“I don’t know,” he says. “I prefer to handle my problems with my fist, but don’t get me wrong, my mom will be having a meeting with Principal Watkins first thing tomorrow morning.”

“I know,” I say, realizing he’s more like Nate than I’d ever known. “But if you can’t get your payback the normal way, then at least knowing you’ve done something would help to make you feel better. I mean, the boys are going to beat this guy to a pulp, but for your own sake…” I add with a shrug.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance